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<month year> doc.: IEEE <492> July 2018

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1 <month year> doc.: IEEE <492> July 2018 EC Monday Meeting Report November 6, 2017 Caribe Royal Hotel & Convention Center Orlando, Florida USA Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance <author>, <company>

2 Monday EC Meeting- San Diego
July 2018 Monday EC Meeting- San Diego Meeting with new IEEE Exec Director 630pm today-see board for location Paul will have Chair’s open office hours Thurs 9- 10am EC workshop on Saturday-any topics? Reviewed pre-PAR activity and cross 802 topics (see Paul’s Opening Meeting Chairs slide on EC mentor) Reviewed action items- see EC minutes when posted Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

3 Monday EC Meeting- Orlando
July 2018 Monday EC Meeting- Orlando Reviewed 802 Task Force Thurs 10:30AM-12:30. See Paul’s Slide deck mentor or the cork board. James reviewed rules updates/changes- see ec mentor Jon Rosdahl reviewed future venues. Future venue meeting on Thursday at 8am-9am Clint gave 802 treasurers report for-see EC mentor Projected loss for this meeting is $30k Updates on Standing Committees: IETF/IEEE SC, ISO/IEC/JTC SC, ITU SC, Wireless Chairs SC, Regulatory (802.18). See EC mentor and board for meeting times during the week Needs to respond to JTC1 comments on 15.6 ASAP Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

4 Monday EC Meeting- Orlando
July 2018 Monday EC Meeting- Orlando Jody gave a report on the fellowship survey results- see EC mentor Jonathan gave a report in IEEE Open Source activities Paul reviewed EC meetings for the week. Those are posted on the board and are open to all who are interested. Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

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