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Bully Behavior Lesson 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Bully Behavior Lesson 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bully Behavior Lesson 2

2 Watch and Respond in Your RRJ
Watch the video and respond in your RRJ

3 What are some typical bully behaviors?

4 Typical Bully Behaviors
Demanding money or other objects Hitting Making fun of Name-calling Damaging personal belongings Stealing Laughing at Yelling at Excluding Forcing to do something Gossiping and telling lies about How many of you have had these experiences?

5 Discussion Questions How do you feel when you see someone acting like a bully? What do you usually do when you see someone acting like a bully? If you haven’t done anything, what is stopping you? Why is it important to let bullies know that their behavior is unacceptable?

6 What we can do for victims
Connect with victims – let them know we’ve all been there Allow them to share their experiences and vent You are safe here! We are here to put an END to bullying! You don’t have to face it alone Being bullied is NOT your fault!

7 Bullying Hurts Write about: Please don’t use any names
A time you were bullied A time you saw someone else being bullied A time you bullied another person Please don’t use any names Tell what happened and how you felt.

8 Lessons Learned Bullying will NOT be tolerated
Before bullying can stop, incidents of bullying MUST be reported! You can and will remain anonymous It is important to come forward if : You are being bullied You witness someone else being bullied

Have you been a victim? Let Off Some Steam! Take a “Let Off Some Steam” sheet Write a letter to the bully Use it when you’re alone and undisturbed Express your: anger, hurt, humiliation or frustration opinions of the bully positive and peaceful ideas to end the bullying THIS LETTER IS MUST NOT BE DELIVERED!!!!

10 What have you learned about bullying today?
In your RRJ, write about what you’ve learned about bullying from today’s lesson

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