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Life in Crime Facilitated by a member of the faculty and/or staff at

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Presentation on theme: "Life in Crime Facilitated by a member of the faculty and/or staff at"— Presentation transcript:

1 Life in Crime Facilitated by a member of the faculty and/or staff at
KEYS Academy and Options HS

2 Your Presenter… A member of the faculty at KEYS Academy or Options HS
Internationally Certified in Life Skills through the ARISE Foundation

3 Rules for Training Participation is crucial No wrong/stupid answers
Respect one another No talking while others talk, No rude comments or noises Wait until you’re called upon Self-Esteem

4 Why we’re here… Because we have to be
To learn some skills that will carry over into adulthood To learn more about ourselves

5 How we’re going to do it…
Discussion Everyone participates Some, very little lecture Activity or activities Some Conclusions

6 Questions?

7 Ice Breaker What is an ice breaker? Definition of an ice breaker:
An activity used to lighten the mood and or get participants warmed up to the idea of interaction

8 Ice Breaker!!!!

9 Topic of the Day: Life in Crime
At what age do we become responsible for our own actions? What factors lead youth to joining a life of crime?

10 Reasons Why Kids Become Involved in Crime…
Peer Pressure Parents are involved in crime Spend lots of time unsupervised Low family income Family conflict Involvement with drugs or alcohol Troubled home life Unemployment Mental illness Love yourself

11 Reasons Why Kids Become Involved in Crime Continued…
-Feeling isolated -Lack of education -Truancy -Aggressive, hyperactive, bully

12 How Does It Start? Gangs and crime are most visible in large cities. 74% of large cities polled admitted that they have a problem with gang-related crime. Since the late ’90s gangs and crime have been on the rise in smaller cities.

13 Gang Related Crimes Include but are not limited to…
Drugs, graffiti/tagging, theft, homicide, rape This proves loyalty to the gang It also gains respect and love from the gang for the individual.

14 Activity: Sense of Belonging
Come up with a list of ways to create a sense of belonging that do not involve crime or negative behavior. Share with your partner and then with the class.

15 Conclusions How can we help someone feel a sense of belonging?

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