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Organizing your speech

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1 Organizing your speech
Micah davis, Brianna Howell, Niyah smith, Axel Roblero-Morales, and Rifat

2 Table of Contents: Slides numbered 1- 2.5: Micah Slide #3: Niyah
Slide #4: Axel Slide #5: Brianna Slide #6: Niyah Slide #7: Axel Slide #8: Brianna Slide #9: Rifat

3 Section 1: The introduction #1
There should be tons of confidence and congeniality showed in your tone and in the way you present your speech. There should be a sense of logic organization and self-discipline within your speech. You should show poise, grace, and elegance while presenting your speech. ⃰ Speeches should be organized so that you put things in the correct order and your introduction should be well thought out. A good introduction can make or break you, because it sets the tone for the remainder of the speech.

4 Attention getters #2 ⃰ Attention getters must grab the attention of the audience! You can achieve that by: Asking a question Making references Making a startling statement Giving a quotation Telling a story.

5 Examples of attention getters: #2
∙ Hey! Do you want to be a crackhead? Well if you don’t then you shouldn’t smoke weed either. Marijuana is a gateway drug and I’m here to tell you how. ∙ “ I was tryna beat a case, but I aint beat that case, I did the race.” – Tay K How many of you know someone who did “the race” but didn’t have to? I am here to inform you about how many people in America are falsely accused of committing a crime, or in Tay-K’s words “doing the race.”

6 The Link #2.5 ⃰ The link is commonly forgotten in most speeches, but it is a very important factor. The link does 2 things: It is in the middle of the attention getter and the thesis statement. It develops a bridge between the audience and the topic.

7 Thesis statement #3 ⃰ The thesis statement should be the third part of the introduction. It should both clarify the overall goal of your speech (to inform, to persuade, or to entertain) and state your specific topic. Examples of starting a thesis are: Today, I will inform you about… My goal is to explain… With this information, I hope you will better understand… I want to persuade you that… My goal is to convince you that… I believe that each of you should…

8 The preview statement #4
The preview statement is usually one sentence at the end of the introduction that gives the audience an overview of the major areas that will be discussed in the body of the speech.

9 Section 2: The body #5 ⃰ The body of the speech is the heart, the brain, even the nerve center of the entire presentation. It is the place where you exhibit in an organized manner your powers of persuasion and reasoning. After your audience hears your introduction and knows your speech thesis, you need to show/prove your point. ⃰ Making an outline helps map out the speech. Your outline should have these included: The purpose statement Main headings Supporting material Details

10 Example of an outline: #6

11 5 ways to pattern your speech: #7
Chronological Pattern- you put your speech in the order that it happened. Climatic Pattern- you present your speech in the order of how important it is. Spatial pattern- this is when you divide your speech on the basis of space relationships. Cause – Effect- to organize your speech in a “because of this, this happened” way. Problem – solution- this is when you present a problem, then present possible solutions.

12 Section 3: The Conclusion #8
⃰ Your speech needs a conclusion in which you wrap up what you have to say in a neat communication package. The conclusion effectively summarizes the major points and restates the thesis. It also offers a final clincher/final impression.

13 The summary #9 The summary is the first part of your conclusion. It should remind your audience of the main headings or major areas of analysis that you covered in your speech. Your final impression should: Fit the mood of the speech Make sense Bring some finality to your speech.

14 Video:

15 The End!

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