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Disable/Enable CD-ROM devices using Kaseya-Agent Procedures

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Presentation on theme: "Disable/Enable CD-ROM devices using Kaseya-Agent Procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Disable/Enable CD-ROM devices using Kaseya-Agent Procedures
Developed By: Armando Saenz Advisor : Dr. S. Masoud Sadjadi School of Computing and Information Sciences Florida International University

2 Agenda Problem and Motivation Solution Behind the Scene
Customizing the Solution Disclaimer Progress Report

3 Problem and Motivation:
A corporation is looking to stop employees from using CD/DVD devices during office hours, but also wants to enable the devices during the evening hours for another group. Disabling the devices would keep employees from bringing in media or unwanted programs. It would also prevent employees from copying files

4 Solution The solution involves editing registry keys to disable or enable the devices. By using Agent Procedures we can automate the task on multiple machines. The procedures would have to be scheduled to run daily; one to disable the devices at 7:00 a.m. and one to enable them after 5:00 p.m.

5 Behind the Scene What we are doing is locating the path of the registry key that starts the service for the CD/DVD devices and editing it to stop that service. The registry key is located at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servi ces\Cdrom\Start

6 Customizing the Solution
 Because the company wants to ensure that the procedures are working, we will need to edit the procedures to notify the administrator that they have been applied.

7 Disclaimer The procedures do not prevent users from enabling the service themselves. This solution does not take into account other ways to copy files without the use of removable media.

8 Progress Report So far I have located the registry key and have identified the steps to write the procedure Have not yet figured out how to customize it.

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