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The Importance of Questions

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Presentation on theme: "The Importance of Questions"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Importance of Questions
Directing Research The Importance of Questions

2 essential, deeper information?
What happens now? Now that you have a topic to research, and have gathered some information -- what’s the next step? How do we learn. . . basic information AND essential, deeper information?

3 The FIVE Ws + HOW Ask Questions!!! Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

4 Refining your Questions
As we go through this slide show, make notes on your Question Sheet from last week. Underline or bracket & label: B = basic D = deeper You will have time to make notes to help you refine and add questions as we go.

5 BASIC WHO WHO . . . . . .were the author’s parents?
. . .are the author’s children? . . .is the author’s wife/husband? What else?

6 DEEPER WHO WHO . . . . . .is the author’s closest friend?
. . . had the biggest influence on the author’s writing? . . . had the biggest influence on the author’s life? What else?

7 BASIC WHAT WHAT . . . . . .is the author’s favorite book that he/she wrote? . . .is the author’s favorite book by someone else? What else?

8 DEEPER WHAT WHAT . . . . . .is the author’s secret to good writing?
. . .advice do you have for beginning writers? What else?

9 BASIC WHEN WHEN . . . . . .was the author born?
. . .did the author start writing? . . .did the author publish her first book?

10 DEEPER WHEN WHEN . . . . . .did the author first know he wanted to be a writer? … did the author have his most difficult moment in life? What else?

11 BASIC WHERE WHERE . . . . . .was the author born?
. . .did the author move? . . .does the author live now?

12 DEEPER WHERE WHERE . . . ...would the author most wish to live?
… was the author when she realized she wanted to be a writer (home? school? a library? Does she remember?) What else?

13 BASIC WHY WHY . . . . . .does the author like where he lives now?
. . .does the author like to write? . . .does the author like writing as a living?

14 DEEPER WHY WHY . . . . . .does the author write in a particular genre?
. . .does the author write for young adults instead of children or adults?

15 BASIC HOW HOW . . . . . .did the author get his first book published?
. . .does the author feel about fans? . . .does the author get ideas for his books?

16 DEEPER HOW HOW . . . . . .does the author know when
her book will be a best seller? . . . does the author reflect her past in her books?

17 Making Connections By focusing on basic and deeper information you will begin to make connections. Connections between the author’s life experiences, hobbies, passions and talents to his/her writing. Because you want to know how your authors life experiences, etc. influence or impact his/her writing.

18 Refine / Rework Questions
1.Use your original Question sheet and the notes you made during the slide show to refine your Questions. 2.Place them on the new form that follows the outline. 3.You need 2 or 3 basic or 3 deeper. 4.Partner share / refine. 5.You may need to finish for homework. 6.Bring your research folder with these questions to class tomorrow.

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