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Latin and Greek Roots Unit One NOTE:

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1 Latin and Greek Roots Unit One NOTE:
To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Unit One

2 Roots Unit 1 Phot, Phos Luc Spec, Spect Vid, Vis

3 Fill in your roots sheet.
Root: Phot, Phos Definition: Greek phos, photos, “light” Word: Phototropic Dictionary definition of word: (adj.) tending to grow or move toward light. {to turn toward the light} Your own sentence using the word:

4 Fill in your roots sheet.
Root: Luc Definition: Latin lux, lucis, “light” Word: Lucid Dictionary definition of word: (adj.) easy to understand; clear {antonym of confusing} Your own sentence using the word:

5 Fill in your roots sheet.
Root: Spec, Spect Definition: Latin specere, spectum, “to look at” Word: Circumspect Dictionary definition of word: (adj.) careful; mindful of rules and consequences {antonym of reckless/careless} Your own sentence using the word:

6 Fill in your roots sheet.
Root: Vid, Vis Definition: Latin videre, visum, “to see, to look” Word: Invidious Dictionary definition of word: (adj.) hateful or spiteful {antonym of pleasant} Your own sentence using the word:

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