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Thesis Statements.

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1 Thesis Statements

2 What is a thesis statement?
A thesis statement sets the tone & gives your essay (writing) a purpose It states the message that you are conveying in your essay. It is persuasive… It is NOT simply a fact… It is what you plan to argue

3 About Thesis Statements
1-2 sentences – usually at the end of the first paragraph ALWAYS UNDERLINE THE THESIS The rest of your essay (writing) defends your thesis statement = PURPOSE

4 A thesis statement TAKES A STANCE on a TOPIC/ISSUE contains an opinion BUT IS STATED AS FACT!!!

5 When writing a Thesis Statement
NEVER use 1st person (I think…) NEVER use weak unclear language (I believe, maybe, it can be said…) NEVER use subjective language (better, best, good, great) Be sure it is something you can support!

6 Example Thesis Statement
It is clear that the pigs’ poor planning and rudimentary engineering ultimately led to the demise of their homes. (The Three Little Pigs) In The Pearl, John Steinbeck shows that the onset of sudden wealth is often accompanied by unfortunate consequences. 

7 Support… Support… Support

8 MEAL PLAN When writing paragraphs -- use the acronym M.E.A.L.
M – message: this is the topic/main idea sentence for each paragraph E – example or evidence from the text A – analysis (why should I care?) L – link it back to topic sentence and Thesis Statement

9 Why use the MEAL Plan? It takes the guesswork out of writing
Gives each sentence a concrete job to do Creates a logical supportive flow Gives you foundation to branch off of

10 M = Message 1st sentence… Think of this as a mini thesis statement – a debatable claim (stance) state as fact… requires support. It should clearly state the message of the paragraph and set the tone and direction. Never use quotes or citations

11 E = Example / Evidence 2nd sentence: this is where you state evidence or pull examples from the text to support your stance in sentence 1 Prove your message to be true... Think of your audience being a jury… Back up your claim (stance). Quotes, Data, stats, observations. “For example” “In addtion”

12 A = Analysis The word analyze means to “break down”
The 3rd – 6th sentences (This is IMPORTANT because….) The “A” sentence is the writer’s perspective on the evidence that may not be immediately evident to the audience… Tell me WHY I SHOULD CARE…. Reporter vs Analyst

13 L= Link The final sentence of paragraph
The link sentence acts exactly like the conclusion paragraph of an essay It links the paragraph together and sets up the next paragraph by using transitional words (although, thus) It links back to the “M” sentence and overall thesis of the essay…

14 Works Cited Welcome to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL). Web. 29 Aug <

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