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A Review of the 8 Parts of Speech

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1 A Review of the 8 Parts of Speech
English I Ms. Johnson

2 Noun Names: A person A place A thing
An idea or concept (something abstract)

3 Noun 1) Proper Nouns – have a specific name attached to them.
Ex: Dr. Ortega, Jake, Burger King, Vietnam War 2) Common Nouns – do not have a specific name attached to them. Ex: principal, student, restaurant, war

4 Pronoun Takes the place of a noun.
Many types of pronouns but remember 2 main types: 1) Subject pronouns: I, You, He/She/It, We, They 2) Personal pronouns: me, my, us, our, your, yours, them, their, etc.

5 Verb Indicates the action that noun is doing
Ex: jump, smile, run, study Indicates the state of being of the noun Ex: is, am, are, seems, appears

6 Adjective Modifies, or describes, a noun
1) In terms of size: huge, tiny, skinny, tall 2) In terms of number: two, dozen, many, hundreds 3) In terms of kind/type: smart, silly, studious, funny, mature, etc.

7 Adverb Modifies, or describes, verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
Answer when?, how?, how often?, or where? an action was done. 99% of the time adverbs end in –ly. Ex: loudly, rapidly, angrily, gladly, carefully

8 Conjunction Links words, phrases, or sentences (usually appear in lists). Coordinating Conjunctions: FANBOYS (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So) Ex: I went to the store to get eggs, milk, and bread. Ex: Jane likes soccer, but I like baseball.

9 Conjunctions continued…
Subordinating Conjunctions The subordinate conjunction has two jobs: 1. it provides a necessary transition between the two ideas in the sentence 2. to reduce the importance of one part of a sentence so that a reader understands which of the two ideas is more important Subordinating Conjunctions are not always used with a comma. Examples: after, although, as, because, before, even if, even though, if, in order that

10 Preposition Indicates the relationship between noun/pronoun and another word in a sentence. Links nouns to other words and phrases. Ex: up, above, below, around, through, behind, during

11 Interjection Expresses surprise or emotion (usually causes an interruption in the sentence). Ex: Oh, Ah, Wow, Hey The ball flew at him, and ouch! it hit him in the face.

12 You are now on your way to…

13 …becoming a grammar genius.

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