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Examples of Medieval and Renaissance Architecture in Hershey/Hummelstown Mugisha Niyibizi Pd. 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Examples of Medieval and Renaissance Architecture in Hershey/Hummelstown Mugisha Niyibizi Pd. 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Examples of Medieval and Renaissance Architecture in Hershey/Hummelstown
Mugisha Niyibizi Pd. 4

2 Medieval Architecture
In both pictures, there is an example of crenellation on the top of these stone churches in Hummelstown.

3 More Medieval Architecture
Here are examples of stained glass in a few churches in Hummelstown.

4 Even More Medieval Architecture
Here are some examples of pointed arches in Hummelstown churches.

5 Further More Medieval Architecture
Here is an example of a corbel on a piece of decoration at the Hershey Hotel and on the Hershey Theater.

6 One More Piece of Medieval Architecture
Here is an example of half-timber construction, with wood on the outside of a house on Homestead Road.

7 Renaissance Architecture
Here is the terra cotta roof found on the Hotel Hershey and the Hershey Theater.

8 More Renaissance Architecture
Here are classical columns (Doric) found on the Hershey Hotel.

9 Even More Renaissance Architecture
Here are some arched walkways found in the Hershey hotel.

10 Further More Renaissance Architecture
Here is a sculpted fountain found at the Hershey Hotel and one outside the Hershey Theater.

11 Renaissance Architecture
Here is a wrought iron fence at the Hershey Hotel.

12 Renaissance Architecture
Here are some circular windows found on churches in Hummelstown.

13 Other Pieces of Architecture
Here are other structures that I found that looked like Medieval or Renaissance structures.

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