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7th grade Review.

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1 7th grade Review

2 The Following Slides are on the 5 Themes of Geography

3 Location Place Human Environment Interaction Movement Region

4 LOCATION Where is it located?
Absolute Location: Is the exact spot on Earth. Relative Location: Is the position of a place in relation to other places.

5 include climate, vegetation, landforms, bodies of water and wildlife.
Place Describes a location’s place by physical and human features. What does this place look like? Physical features include climate, vegetation, landforms, bodies of water and wildlife. Human features include language, religion, culture and customs, politics and government, skin tone, facial features, music, food, architecture and landmarks.

6 REGION is a group of places that share a common physical or human characteristic or feature.
Common Human Features Chinatown in NYC is unified by a common human feature. It is culture! Common Physical Features The Great Lakes Region is a large area in the U.S. that shares common physical features.

7 Human Environment Interaction focuses on the relationship between people and their environment.
Indonesia Rice Fields Logging in the Amazon How do people affect the environment AND how the environment affects people.

8 ideas are “moved” or communicated around the world.
Movement How and why do people, goods and ideas move from place to place? Migration, commuting to work and school and traveling on vacation are human movement. Trade , importing and exporting of products, food and raw materials are movement of goods Cell phones, internet, newspaper, books, television, fax and radio are how ideas are “moved” or communicated around the world.

9 Mesopotamia WTK Caravan cuneiform Bazaar city-state Exile famine
Fertile Crescent monotheism Polytheism Scribe > Quizlet

10 Mesopotamia Geography

11 Mesopotamian Civilizations and People and Ideas
Sumerians Babylonians Phoenicians Leaders Sargon the Great (Acadians) Hammurabi (Babylonians Hammurabi’s Code Set of Laws “Eye for an Eye”

12 Egypt WTK Artisans Afterlife Hieroglyphs Isolate Preserve Silt
Delta Papyrus dynasty Delta Papyrus Quizlet

13 Egyptian Geography

14 Egyptian People, Ideas, and accomplishments
King Ramses Moses (Leader of the Israelites) Construction of the Great Pyramids Using math skills Calendar Science (Alignment with solar system) Egyptian Success was based on Slavery of the Israelites. Once Israelites left the the economic output decreased and Egypt became vulnerable to outside sources.

15 India WTK Subcontinent Monsoon Caste system Reincarnation Ahimsa Nirvana Convert Missionary Tolerance Quizlet

16 India Geography

17 India- People, civilizations and accomplishments
Religions Hinduism Buddhism Gods Shiva Brahma Vishnu Civilizations Mohenjo Daro City blocks Plumming Sewer system Harappa Indus River Caste System

18 Philosophy Civil service Currency Warlord Silk Road Confucianism
China WTK Philosophy Civil service Currency Warlord Silk Road Confucianism Loess Dowry legacy Mandate of Heaven

19 China Geography

20 China- People's, Ideas, and accomplishments
Confucius Lui Bang Shi Huangdi Dynasties Shang Zhou Qin Han Ideas and accomplishments Confucianism Great Wall of China Terra Cotta Warriors Silk Road Ideas and accomplishments Confucianism Great Wall of China Terra Cotta Warriors Silk Road

21 Greece WTK Philosopher Democracy Plague Aristocrat Barbarian Oracle
Tyrant Tribute

22 Greece Geography

23 Greece People and accomplishments
Alexander the Great Helen of Troy Accomplishments Democracy Sea trade Military excellence Conquer Mediterranean

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