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2 Waves have wavelength, frequency, and amplitude.
1. Waves have wavelength, frequency, and amplitude.

3 2. Color can be explained as the way different wavelengths of light are perceived.

4 3. The sequence of colors in the visible spectrum is related to wavelength.

5 4. An invisible electromagnetic spectrum exists with wavelengths that are shorter and longer than the wavelengths of visible light.

6 5. Invisible electromagnetic waves have many characteristics in common with visible light.

7 Lesson 9 Notes

8 1. Electromagnetic waves exist in a range of frequencies – from shortest (gamma rays) to the longest (radio waves).

9 2. Infrared and Ultraviolet do not correspond to a specific wavelength, but instead to a range of wavelengths.

10 Infrared – wavelengths longer than red light.
3. Infrared – wavelengths longer than red light. a. Examples – remote control for a TV

11 Ultraviolet – wavelengths that are shorter than visible violet
4. Ultraviolet – wavelengths that are shorter than visible violet A. Example – fluorescence

12 5. Short wavelengths carry more energy than long wavelengths for waves of equal amplitude. A. The faster the student shakes the chain, the shorter the wavelength and the greater the frequency of the wave traveling down it.

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