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Regular LFS data collection Annual averages
Education in the EU-LFS Regular LFS data collection Annual averages Quality profile on structural indicator on lifelong learning Updating of the NEACs Conclusions from the TF meeting on explanatory notes for the LFS (19-20 June 2006) Proposal for a new structure of an educational domain in NewCronos 2. Preparation of the LFS ahm 2009 "Entry on young people into the labour market" (first Task Force meeting on June 2006)
Education in the EU-LFS
Annual averages Currently in elaboration (validation by the countries) for two structural indicators: Youth education attainment level Lifelong learning Early school leavers – will be done at the beginning of 2007, when 2006 data on students on holidays (in Q3) available Progressively annual averages will be introduced for all LFS data presented in NewCronos General remark: no big differencies noted in comparing spring data and annual averages
on the structural indicator on lifelong learning
Education in the EU-LFS Quality profile on the structural indicator on lifelong learning The ETS WG members are asked to take note of the upcoming request for comments about the quality profile on structural indicator on lifelong learning.
Education in the EU-LFS
National Educational Attainment Classifications The last updated version of the NEACs came to Eurostat in September… Missing countries (GR, IE, LU, HU, MT, SK, UK, BFR and RO and TR) are kindly asked to send their NEACs (or related information) by October. First impression: differencies between countries concerning this classification are quite big → more analysis is needed → why?: → because the EU-LFS could be used as a model for the coding of the educational attainment for the other social surveys; → because there is a need for the NEACs of European countries for the coding of educational attainment of foreign workers in different surveys
Education in the EU-LFS
NEACs The ETS WG is invited to take note of the proposal to analyse the core variable on educational attainment in social surveys and to comment on it, especially on the possibilities to collaborating on this activity at a national level.
Education in the EU-LFS
Conclusions from the TF meeting on explanatory notes for LFS ( ) 1. Clarifications Issues related to the new code 3 for variable EDUCSTAT ("Person in regular education but on holidays") were discussed. As it is problematic to codify the future situation of the respondent, the TF agreed to apply the rule based on the previous situation of the person who is enrolled in education but is on school holidays and/or will continue studying. Questions about the level and field of education of such a person concern the previous educational level/field. For the variable EDUCSTAT, a clarification of the definition of apprentice was proposed, underlining the criterion of the apprenticeship belonging to the educational programme. Eurostat encourages countries to use the more detailed codes of field of education (see "Manual on fields of education and training", Eurostat 1999).
Education in the EU-LFS
2. Changes in the EU-LFS questionnaire proposed for the future: MAINSTAT: to be coherent with the EDUCSTAT variable, to remove apprenticeship from code 1 (work) to code 3 (student), and, consequently, to apply this change in WSTAT1Y (main status 1 year before). EDUCSTAT: to distinguish 2 separate codes: for students and apprentices. EDUCLEVL (level of current education): to apply the same, more detailed coding as in HATLEVEL (educational level attained) with the aim to allow distinguishing the participants in ISCED 3C programmes, with labour market destination. COURPURP, COURFILD, COURWORH (characteristics of participation in current non-formal education): subject to discussion if the questions should be related to the most recent or to the most important learning activity.
Education in the EU-LFS
Comments from the members of the ETS WG on these proposals concerning the explanatory notes for LFS are very welcome before the end of September 2006 (directly to Eurostat or by contacting your colleagues working on the LFS).
Education in the EU-LFS
Proposal for the new structure of education domain in NewCronos A new structure of the educational domain in NewCronos is proposed, with a request for comments. Changes will be made during this autumn. Why?: to distinguish Eurostat' NewCronos data related to education from those on labour market characteristics, to present data currently split in different domains (education, labour market, indicators) in a more coherent and user-friendly way and because of the wider use of the LFS annual data.
Education in the EU-LFS
Conclusions of the first TF meeting (15-16 June 2006) preparing the LFS ahm 2009 "Entry of young people into the labour market“ This Task Force is conducted jointly by Eurostat Unit F-2 (Labour market statistics) and by Unit F-4 (Education, science and culture statistics). Task Force members: national delegates from 10 countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Finland, United Kingdom, and from Switzerland + representatives from DG EAC and DG EMPL, from Cedefop and from ETF.
Education in the EU-LFS
The objective of the first meeting of the Task Force LFS ad-hoc module 2009 was to define the aims and the target population of the survey and to make the first selection of topics to be covered. The recommendations from LFS ahm 2000 were reminded and the national experiences from some countries shared. The proposed timetable foresees three TF meetings (June and November 2006, May 2007) and the consultation of the LAMAS and ETS WGs before sending a draft Regulation on the LFS ad-hoc module 2009 to the SPC for approval in November 2007.
Education in the EU-LFS
The subject of the transition from education to work is of great interest to national and European policy makers. The title of the LFS ad-hoc module 2009 ("Entry of young people into the labour market") suggests a more labour market oriented approach but bearing in mind that education plays an essential role in providing essential skills and is often a starting point for social exclusion. Policy makers are interested in better knowledge of patterns of transition from education to work and how these vary from country to country; what the obstacles to a smooth transition are and which measures can help young people to start an independent life.
Education in the EU-LFS
In many countries there is a problem of identifying the event – 'leaving education', then the target population is proposed to be those persons aged years. Using the proxies in the LFS ad-hoc module survey can not be forbidden and therefore the questions asked should be the simplest and clearest possible. The testing of questions should be feasible in some countries (end of 2006/beginning of 2007), thanks to the supplementary budgetary resources available from Eurostat. It was recommended to explore more core LFS variables for analysis of the transition from education to work. Eurostat will analyse data on those topics from the core LFS and present the results of this exercise in the next TF meeting.
Education in the EU-LFS
The TF members (countries delegates as well as representatives of users from the Commission) and all ETS and LAMAS WGs are asked to provide comments on the draft list of the topics to be covered by the LFS ad-hoc module 2009, mentioning their priorities and remarks concerning the feasibility. The next meeting of the TF is planned for 30.11/ The draft minutes of the first meeting and all documents related to the work of the TF LFS ad-hoc module 2009 can be consulted on the Circa site:
Topics proposed to be covered by the LFS ahm 2009
Parental educational level and occupation Country of birth of parents Impact of family issues (children) on the entry to the labour market Description of the process Studies, employment, unemployment, inactivity spells Education as a second best option (to avoid failure on the labour market) Characteristics of initial (formal) vocational education and training Start of study Month when highest education level achieved Reason of leaving studies prematuraly Formal education undertaken but not completed (reasons) Traineeship Certificated practical knowledge (possibilities to do it) Influence of non-formal education on the labour market participation
Work experience during studies
Obstacles to find a job Job search helping systems Individual expenditure for the search of job Time to get a job First job (definition?, its characteristics) How many jobs? Subsidized jobs (but question of reliability of this information coming from individual) Active Labour Market Policy (methods met to help labour market integration) Entrepreneurship (wish to establishment as independent and obstacles for it) Mismatch of skills Required in-company training at the start of the first job Instable employment (precarious jobs) Situation of the special needs people (disabled) Discrimination (experienced in looking for a job) Mobility (inside, outside of the country)
Education in the EU-LFS
Thank you for your attention! All your comments are very welcome! Marta Beck
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