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ESL 8 Quarter 2 Week 2 Nov ,2014 Blue Days – 11/12 and 11/14

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1 ESL 8 Quarter 2 Week 2 Nov. 10-14,2014 Blue Days – 11/12 and 11/14

2 Wiesbaden Middle School Vision Statement
The entire WMS community will provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature academically, socially, emotionally, and physically while developing a lifelong love of learning.

3 Wiesbaden Middle School Mission Statement
The entire WMS community strives to provide a positive school climate through which all students can mature socially, academically, and physically, while developing a lifelong love of learning.

4 CSI GOALS #1 All students will increase reading comprehension scores in analyzing text and reading/writing strategies. #2 All students will increase scores in math computation, word problems, and problem solving.

5 Standards covered this week
8E1a.1: Identify and understand idioms and comparison (such as analogies, metaphors, and similes) in prose and poetry Subjective: The point of view involves a personal perspective. Objective: the point of view is form a distanced, informational perspective, as in a news report. 8E1c.8: Analyze the relevance of setting (to include places, times, and customs) to mood, tone, and meaning of text. Component: Literary Criticism 8E1c.9: Analyze a work of literature, showing how it reflects the heritage, traditions, attitudes, and beliefs of its author.

6 OVERVIEW OF WEEK 11 Correct this sentence:
Many peoples think that the stories about this bird comed originally from asia. Edit –it – Vocabulary – week 11 Grammar : Compound and complex sentences Idiom - “par for the course” ANALOGY Type: Function Locker : Storage:: A) telephone : communication B) wallet : cash C) pencil : paper D) lake : moisture In-class: Present Native American PowerPoint and Begin PowerPoint on Last of the Mohicans.

7 Vocabulary 11 1.mood/tone 1.domain and range 1.commerce
Language Arts Math Social Studies Science 1.mood/tone 1.domain and range 1.commerce Informed consent, 2. Acronyms 2.exponential growth 2.congressional quantitative, 3.sidebars 3.exponential decay 3 civic efficacy scientific processes


9 Lesson Plans for November 12, 2014
Take roll Correct this sentence:   Many peoples think that the stories about this bird camed originally from asia Remind students they should be working on the fifth Reading Log for next quarter. It is located on Google aps. Present Native American PP on Friday; finish for homework if not complete Grammar: Compound and complex sentences Do Edit It #131 In-class – Work on PowerPoint of The Last of the Mohicans doing background information on the French and Indian War. Do vocabulary.

10 Lesson Plans November 14, 2014 Idiom - Par for the course
Take roll. Do Edit It #132 Idiom - Par for the course ANALOGY Type: Function TRUNK: STORAGE A) telephone : communication B) wallet : cash c) pencil : paper Read: Reading log 5 due Nov. 18/19. You will stay after school every day until they are in. Present Native American PowerPoint to class. Do vocabulary test 11 on quizlet Complete all blogs related to The Last of the Mohicans. Complete shared PowerPoint on Google Aps.


12 Edit It November 12 - #131 un ed November 14 - #132 un ed

13 Correct this sentence Many peoples think that the stories about this bird comed originally from asia. ANS: Many people think that the stories about this bird came originally from Asia

14 Idiom - “Par for the course”
MEANING: JUST WHAT WAS EXPECTED; NORMAL; TYPICAL Origin: In the 1920’s this expression , which came from goalf, was broadened to include other activities in life. In golf, “par” is the number of golf strokes it usually take for a golf expert to play a course. That’s how “par for the course” came to mean a typical or expected result. It usually has a slightly negative tone to it. “It took e three hours to get home in this blizzard, about par for the course.” Related expression are “up to par” (satisfactory) and “belwo par” (unsatisfactory) Mr. Ercenk gave me a “C.” The way he’s been grading lately, that’s par for the course.

15 Analogy ANALOGY Type: Function LOCKER : STORAGE ::
A) telephone : communication B) wallet : cash C) pencil : paper D) lake : moisture

16 Grammar Write compound/complex sentences
Use the following coordinating conjunctions for compound sentences: FANBOYS, And But For Nor Yet Or So

17 Punctuate compound sentences with coordinating conjunctions correctly
Punctuate compound sentences with coordinating conjunctions correctly. Three patterns in writing use coordinating conjunctions. Add commas when required. Pattern 1 — Connecting two main clauses When you connect two main clauses with a coordinating conjunction, use a comma. The pattern looks like this: main clause + , + coordinating conjunction + main clause. Here is an example: My dog sleeps on the couch, but my cat sleeps on my bed.

18 Use the following subordinatE conjunctions for complex sentences
after although as because before even if even though if in order that once provided that rather than since so that than that though unless until when whenever where whereas wherever whether while why Some sentences are complex. Such sentences have two clauses, one main [or independent] and one subordinate [or dependent]. The essential ingredient in a complex sentence is the subordinate conjunction:

19 1. Louisa will wash the sink full of her dirty dishes once her roommate Shane cleans his stubble and globs of shaving cream from the bathroom sink. 2. We looked on top of the refrigerator, where Jenny will often hide a bag of chocolate chip cookies. 3. Because her teeth were chattering in fear, Lynda clenched her jaw muscle while waiting for her turn to audition.

20 Diagramming Sentences

21 DIRECTIONS Each class period, students will use the little white boards to 1)write the sentence 2) label each part of speech 3) put () around prepositional phrases 4) draw one line under the subject 5)draw two lines under the predicate verb 6) circle the DO 7) put a wavy line under the predicate noun ) put // lines under predicate adjectives ) diagram each word in the sentence 10) Write the correct information in the last pages of your vocabulary notebook working backwards

22 Types of Diagrams based on sentence pattern – You will do one a day
Tom runs. Try to diagram on your own.. Know the part of speech of every word. The boys run fast. The boy hit the ball. That tall boy drove the new red car. The girl in the blue dress wore a diamond necklace at the dance. The team gave the coach flowers. The sailor is my father. The nurse is intelligent The farmer painted his barn red,

23 runs S-V Tom S V Tom – noun – proper noun is the subject
Runs – predicate verb – action verb Tom runs

24 Details About Reading Activities

25 Reading/Writing Activities for this week
Reading Log 5 – work at home every day Read about the French and Indian War. What was George Washington’s role in it and for whom did he fight? Learn about the Noble Savage concept.

26 Prior and “How To” Information

27 Sentence Patterns For Reference
S – V Subject - Verb S – V – DO Subject – (action) Verb – Direct Object S – V –I – DO Subject – (action) Verb – Indirect Obj – Direct Obj. S – V – N Subject – (linking) Verb – Predicate noun (Nominative) S – V -A Subject – (linking) Verb – Predicate Adjective S –V–DO-C Subject – (action) Verb – DO – Complement-Modifier Patrick sleeps in class. S – V (prepositional phrase) Arthur talks constantly. S- V (adverb) S AV DO S AV DO Patrick plays soccer. Arthur goes camping. S LV N LV A Arthur is a scout and is awesome. Patrick is a soccer player and is awesome. Patrick kicked the soccer ball high.

28 Homework – if not finished in class
Check Weebly and Google Aps and complete all work assigned. Finish Native American PowerPoint Read in your reading log.

29 How to Make a Timeline on Word
Open a blank WORD document Go to INSERT Click on SMART ART A new window appears: click on PROCESS New window: go to last item in the second line- basic timeline. Click The template appears on your document. Begin to fill it in with information. Try to place information with the date close to line, not on outside. Save in your H-drive, ESL folder with page numberslastblock#

Use the URL – 3. Log in with username: 3. Each day: check the calendar (alert Mrs. N of any new assignments or tests) NOTE: THE DUE DATES FOR ALL FOUR READING LOGS THIS QUARTER ARE ON THE CALENDAR. Find them and place them in your planner. 4. Each day check the drive and ESL7 for help with your projects and PowerPoint for weekly lesson plans. 5. Do not use this time to change the background on your site or to other students or even chat. This time is for you to work collaboratively on assignments. 6. Go to DRIVE/SHARED WTH ME/ ESL7/ Reading log Q2; Print this and keep it. Work on it every night and have parents sign it. PUT YOUR NAME of it.

31 How To Use the MLA Template
Download the MLA template in Google aps OR go to the student’s H-drive/ESL folder/MLA template Open the template Immediately save as to the H-drive, ESL folder naming the file with the name of the assignment and last and period. DO THIS. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. For example, editorial1last You will need four so give each a new number. On the document, change the date and the title. Begin on the line under the title, but make sure that this line is aligned left, not centered, and indented. Center the Chapter # Write the summary telling who, what, when, where, how, and why. Save in the google aps and share with one student to grade and Mrs. Nabulsi..

32 How to make a SMARTBOARD quiz
1. Open SMART Notebook 2. Go to VIEW/Gallery 3. Click on Lesson Activity Toolkit 4. Look down and click on INTERACTIVE AND MULTIMEDIA 5. Scroll through selections and pick a game on which you can put at least six items, one for each of your words. At the game, click on EDIT and place your information on the template SAVE AS Q#W#voc#esl8last into your ESL folder and then in GALLERY Open and place in Assignment Drop Box that correlates with the assignment.

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