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Building Your Resiliency Quotient

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1 Building Your Resiliency Quotient
Deborah Shaddy, MS, LCPC Campus Counseling University of Saint Mary

2 Change is inevitable and ongoing Goals for this workshop:
Understand the normal, inevitable process of change assess your current place in the change cycle learn and practice at least two breathing techniques that can mitigate the body’s normal response to stress.

3 Virginia Satir’s Model of Change

4 Stage 1 – Late Status Quo Characteristics
Base on assumptions about how the world is Comfortable/uncomfortable Familiar/boring Predictable/stuck/frustrating/

5 Stage 1 – Foreign Element
Characteristics Chosen or imposed Can be something typically seen as a positive or a negative Comes from outside of normal expectations and assumptions Stage 2 Resistance comes in form of denial, avoidance, or blaming,

6 Stage 3 - Chaos Behaviors Performance may drop
Behavior may be uncharacteristic, more rigid or less decisive “Do something even if it is wrong” Lose confidence in self Hyper focus on insignificant details Heightened creativity – trying many new things Finding what works and the way out of the chaos

7 Stage 4 Integration Practicing new behaviors Expect mistakes
Progress erratic Periods of discouragement Greater periods of improvement and success Increased self-confidence

8 Stage 5 New Status Quo MASTERY OF NEW SKILLS
Requires less concentration Able to turn attention to other things Consistent results Performance at a higher level than before Increased self-confidence

9 Actions for each stage that will help change more quickly and effectively.
Description How to Help 1 Late Status Quo Staying healthy, practice gentle ways to push outside of your comfort zone 2 Resistance Identify 3 possible good things that can come from this change; Grieve losses 3 Chaos Good self-care particularly mindfulness and grounding techniques. Accept all feelings as normal, knowing they won’t last. Reach out for help/mentoring 4 Integration Allow space for mistakes, find safe situations, accept imperfection 5 New Status Quo Celebrate!

10 Breathing Techniques

11 2-minute twist-up Yoga Breathing Technique

12 balanced breathing exercise
2 minute twist up balanced breathing exercise Cross left ankle over right Place right wrist over left, fold into chest Press tongue to the roof of our mouth when inhaling through nose, drop tongue when exhaling through mouth Hold in mind an image of “balance” Maintaining this position, breathe for 2 minutes.

13 Yoga Breathing Technique
Put tip of tongue on behind back of front teeth and keep there for whole breathing exercise Inhale through nose for count of 4 Hold for count of 7 Exhale through mouth for count of 8 Repeat for 4 breaths gradually working up to 8

14 Resources Smith, Steven M. Accelerating Technology change-model/ Satir, Virginia, et. al., The Satir Model: Family Therapy and Beyond, ISBN , Science and Behavior Books, 1991. Weinberg, Gerald M., Quality Software Management: Anticipating Change (Volume 4), ISBN , Dorset House, 1997 Balanced breathing exercise:

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