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Theology of the Body for Teens

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1 Theology of the Body for Teens
Seventh Grade Curriculum 2.1 God’s Plan, Human Sin, Jesus’ Love

2 Bellwork 1. The toughest lesson I learned from my parents was when ___________________. It was hard for me to learn because ___________________________________________. 2. The best birthday or holiday party I even went to was ____________________. 3. One time I chose __________ when I should have chosen ____________________. I only knew I made a mistake when _______________.

3 Opening Prayer Christ, you accept us with out heart just as it is today. Why should we wait, then, for our heart to change before we come to you? You change it each day anew, without our knowing how. You do everything to heal the gaping rifts – You, our friend and brother Jesus Christ. Amen.

4 Video Clip Watch Video “Introduction”
Watch “Big Questions” up to 10:43

5 Story Starter Pass the microphone at each new paragraph of the story.

6 Read and Respond Please read pp and answer the following questions: What kind of freedom did the first humans know? What exactly are we pursuing when we sin? What are the consequences we get instead? Bridging the Gap

7 Effects of Sin Before sin, the first humans:
-Didn’t experience confusion about who they were -Had minds free of the tug of sin -Knew their purpose Sin scams us into thinking it will bring pleasure and freedom. We don’t trust that God’s laws will lead us to what is really good.

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