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2 minutes Introduce the Map of the World and our travelling companion Vincent Van Gogh! We will be tracking all over the world with Vincent and learning.

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Presentation on theme: "2 minutes Introduce the Map of the World and our travelling companion Vincent Van Gogh! We will be tracking all over the world with Vincent and learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 minutes Introduce the Map of the World and our travelling companion Vincent Van Gogh! We will be tracking all over the world with Vincent and learning about different artists and art forms!       More information about the map is provided in the speaker notes under the slide of the world map! This is where we are- In the State of California in the country of the United States -- And this is my friend Vincent Van Gogh- raise your hand if you’ve ever heard of Vincent Van Gogh? He is a very famous painter, and one of my best friends! He agreed to take us on a trip around the world to teach our class about art! Everyone say thank you Mr Van Gogh! This last weekend he landed in my front yard and asked if I had the time to join him on a trip to his home country of France! I said said I sure do! I jumped into the hot air balloon basket and we floated all the way over to France! He is in a hot air balloon and is flying over the country of France on the Continent of Europe! While we were there he taught me all about Abstract art and a very famous abstract artist named Paul Cezanne! 2 minutes Introduce the objective with students Today we are going to be learning about a whole new way of looking at the world! It is called abstractly.        We will learn about this new way of looking by examining a  Model Artist named Paul Cezanne.

2 Art Lesosn: Intro to Abstract Art
Name: _____________________________________________ Art Lesosn: Intro to Abstract Art Instructions: Read the Article Answer the question Be prepared to share your answer with the class!! Paul Cezanne ( ) Abstract French Artist Paul Cezanne was a French Artist whose work changed the way the world looked at art and artists looked at the world! Other famous artists lke Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso callde Cezanne the “father of us all” when referringto the impact he had on the art world. When he was 10 Cezanne began to study drawing in school. He went to college to become a lawyer but still studied art all the way through his school career! After college he decided to devote himself fully to being an artist. This choise caused him to have conflict with his father, who wanted him to be a lawyer. Cezannne followed his dreams. As his work transformed from realistic to more abstract, he was rejected and ridiculed for many years. There is one story of people viewing his paintings beginning to laugh at them! Other artists though respected that he was trying something new and today he is said to be a very important painter, who helped to change the world of art. His work helped to create the Cubist and Abstract periods of art history. Abstract art is a special kind of art that tries to show the world using basic shapes and lines. An example would be drawing a tree as a bunch of rectangles and triangles. Cezanne wanted to capture moments in time by portraying them in their elemental forms. His use of color and his love of the Elements of Art, such as line, shape, and form (3-D shapes) made it possible for artists who came after to question what they saw in the world and to change how they painted it in their art. 5-7 minutes Build Context\ Knowledge Acquisition       Take this time to read the short article and answer the questions.

3 Paul Cezanne and Abstract Art
How old was Paul Cezanne when he started to make art? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is abstract art? Which Elements of Art does Cezanne like to use? Circle All that apply! Hint there is more than one!!! Line Shape Sculpture Form Which line from the text supports the claim that Cezanne was a person who took risks? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3-5 minutes - Discuss The Answers        Have students pair share what their answers are and what in the text made them think their answer is correct.        After student pair-share then cold call for the correct answers   Paul Cezanne was 10 years old Abstract art is art that tries to show real things as basic shapes - ex. a tree as erctangle and triangles Line, Shape, Form -- did you get all three?! Multiple answers “he chose ot be a painter instead of a lawyer” “Cezanne followed his dreams”

4 Realistic Vs Abstract Realistic Art: making art look like real life
Abstract Art: Art that tries to break down the real world into simple lines, shapes and forms (or the Elements of Art) 3 -5 minute Introduction to New Vocabulary (Roughly page 4 of the worksheet)         2 min - look at clear and blurry photographs          1min shout out what shapes do you see          1 min draw over the basic shapes that you see Most art that you have seen is realistic art - or art that looks like the the real world -- ex. a house that looks like a real house Here is the sign language for Realistic Art - doing the sign will help make it sticky in our brains (go to and look up the sign language for real) Repeat But in the 1800’s when Cezanne was living- artists got fed up with painting things that looked like the world-- they wanted to try something new. So they started the Abstract Art Movement -- they started trying to draw the world using only simple shapes and lines. Here is the sign language for Abstract Art (go to and look up the sign for abstract) You can think of this as a really clear and really blurry photograph - in the first picture you can tell it is a cat -- in the second you can still tell it is a cat BUT you see a lot more of the simple shapes! Take 30 seconds and draw over those shapes! That is Abstract Art!-- Let’s define it one more time! Abstract art that tries to break the world into simple lines, shapes and forms! Turn the Page

5 Independent Abstract Art Project Instructions
Trace your hand 2. Trace your hand again on top of the first one 3. Repeat Step #2 four more times 4. Color the individual shapes that are created 2 mmin to explain - 1 min for questions Our Objective is to be able to define and discuss Abstract Art -- which we’ve been doing! This is a project to help us make our own abstract art! Check for eyes and hands -- these are the directions -- this is important. Model on the Doc cam athe same time Trace my hand -- this is a realistic drawing of what my hand looks like Turn the Paper Trace my hand 2 more times -- until its done! As we layer each realistic hand on top of the next- your eye can still see the individual hands, but the abstract shapes start to become more visible. Color in the Shapes! Once we add the color, then we will only be able to see the shapes--- we will know its our hands, but now we have to look past the shapes to see that Realistically -- It is our Class the _______________ Abstractly -- it is the shapes and lines we will create. You will have a whole 15 minutes for this project- so take your time-- quality - Here is my timer- Wait for the Go…. Go

6 My Abstract Hand Get up every 2 minutes and check students work
Pick one or two to go on the ECC wall for the week

7 Name: _______________________________________________
What is realistic art?____________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ What is abstract art?____________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ What is realistic art?____________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ What is abstract art?____________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Name: _______________________________________________ Name: _______________________________________________ ExitSlip To be completed during the clean up. HINT: Use the guided notes- the answers can be found there!

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