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Presentation on theme: "LANCASTER HIGH SCHOOL PBL SPRING 2017"— Presentation transcript:

LAUNCH May 2, 2017 Explain Project Watch video and complete KWL ...-INDIVIDUAL DAILY GRADE Get into groups -ON WED Pick Roles and tell Mr. Hampton Project Manager- Leads the group and ensures the group’s success Reporter- Records notes and reports to manager and Mr. Hampton Time Keeper-Keeps time TASK SUPERVISOR-Keeps group on task

MAY 3, 2017 Get into groups and pick group roles. Fill out group role sheet give to Mr. Hampton Complete Bullying/Poll notes….. Grading 8-10 Individual DAILY PBL ASSIGNMENTS, 1 PRESENTATION per group. Following teachers directions each day COUNTS 20 POINTS ON EACH DAILY GRADE. Group Points = TOTAL OF 100 points, 30 of the points for participation and working with your assigned group. The PRESENTATION COUNTS AS MUCH AS A WHOLE SIX WEEKS GRADE!!

3 BULLY Someone who use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what they want.

4 Importance of Terminology
You will notice an effort in the lesson plans to avoid the terms or labels victim and bully. It is our preference that students not be labeled. When possible, we prefer “students who are bullied” and “students who bully others.” There are a few places in the lesson plans that we use the term victim or victims because we want to emphasize their victimization or abuse by others.

5 Cyber Bullying

6 Digital Footprint How can this be very dangerous?

7 ONLOOKERS SHOULD WE BLAME THEM? Do they have a responsibility?

8 Answer the Question with your Group
Are parents responsible? Why or why not? Do you think bullying is that serious? Why are they starting to charge fines?

9 How do you develop hypothesis and conduct political research?

10 Hypothesis _______________ causes bullying.

11 _______________ causes bullying.
Whatever you put on the line is considered the Dependent Variable. Bullying will be your Independent Variable.

12 1. Researchers asking questions
1st type of Hypothesis 1. Researchers asking questions a) Researchers ask questions to establish whether there is any relationship between two variables (Dependent and Independent) The hypothesis is used to develop the basis for political research

13 If you can establish a link between your 2 Variables then you have developed the basis for your Political Research

14 Should Parents have to pay for their child bullying another child?

15 Educational Definition of BULLYING
Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological aggressive behavior by a person or group directed towards a less powerful person or group that is intended to cause harm, distress or fear.

16 What Bullying is NOT! There are also some behaviors, which, although they might be unpleasant or distressing, are not bullying: mutual conflict - which involves a disagreement, but not an imbalance of power. Unresolved mutual conflict can develop into bullying if one of the parties targets the other repeatedly in retaliation. single-episode acts of nastiness or physical aggression, or aggression directed towards many different people, is not bullying social rejection or dislike is not bullying unless it involves deliberate and repeated attempts to cause distress, exclude or create dislike by others.

17 This is BULLYING!!! There are some specific types of bullying behavior: verbal or written abuse - such as targeted name-calling or jokes, or displaying offensive posters violence - including threats of violence sexual harassment - unwelcome or unreciprocated conduct of a sexual nature, which could reasonably be expected to cause offence, humiliation or intimidation homophobia and other hostile behavior towards students relating to gender and sexuality discrimination including racial discrimination - treating people differently because of their identity cyberbullying - either online or via mobile phone.

18 What is the first step in developing your hypothesis?
Exit What is the first step in developing your hypothesis? Research


20 Sample Questions Write your Hypothesis
Add three polling questions that would support your Hypothesis

21 Dependent Variable The dependent variable is the variable that is affected by other variables b) Changes in the dependent variable are caused by the independent variable (1) For example: “poverty causes crime”; the level of crime is the dependent variable c) The dependent variable can often be considered the prediction in your hypothesis d) It will be the primary focus of the research project 2. Identifying the independent variable

22 Independent Variables
a) The independent variable is said to cause the change in the dependent variable (1) For example: “poverty causes crime”; poverty is the independent variable b) The independent variable can be considered the predictor variable c) The independent variable in a research project is used to explain the dependent variable d) It is the instrument used to explain another variable

23 Hypothesis _______________ causes bullying.

24 How could this have been Prevented


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