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Restraints and Coercive methods Working Group: Results and Impact Pristhina, 3rd June, 2016 European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in health.

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Presentation on theme: "Restraints and Coercive methods Working Group: Results and Impact Pristhina, 3rd June, 2016 European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Restraints and Coercive methods Working Group: Results and Impact Pristhina, 3rd June, 2016
European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in health services and social care Presentation by Mari Murel Research and Policy officer by EPSO

2 How do other supervisory bodies in Europe handle the topic of Restraint and coercive methods in health and social care ? Results: Questionnaire; Working Group (5 countries); Pilot Study in Estonia (Peers); European Framework adopted; Promotion of adoption of good practice; Report; Attention at European and national level Training in Tallinn/ The Hague

3 Impact Impact in Estonia:
Inspectorate supported by international colleagues; 9 health institutions /hospitals involved; Minister Soc. Affairs debate; Ombudsman debate; bringing different parties together (volunteers and others; Start of national network. Impact for EPSO: Co-operation between colleagues; Good practise/training available to other EPSO countries; Co-operation with Vilans (leading knowledge centre in NL). EPSOMEMBER epsomember

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