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Designed by: Emily Freeman McEachern High School 2400 New Macland Rd Powder Springs, GA  30127.

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Presentation on theme: "Designed by: Emily Freeman McEachern High School 2400 New Macland Rd Powder Springs, GA  30127."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designed by: Emily Freeman McEachern High School 2400 New Macland Rd Powder Springs, GA  30127

2 Session 17 Warm – up: Find the missing measures. Write all answers in radical form. 30° 45° x 7 10 z 45° w 60° y

3 The Trigonometric Functions we will be looking at
13.4 & 13.5 The Trigonometric Functions we will be looking at SINE COSINE TANGENT

4 The Trigonometric Functions

5 SINE Prounounced “sign”

6 Prounounced “co-sign”
COSINE Prounounced “co-sign”

7 Prounounced “tan-gent”

8 Represents an unknown angle
Greek Letter q Prounounced “theta” Represents an unknown angle

9 hypotenuse hypotenuse opposite opposite adjacent adjacent

10 We need a way to remember all of these ratios…

11 Some Old Hippie Came A Hoppin’ Through Our Old Hippie Apartment

12 Sin SOHCAHTOA Opp Hyp Cos Adj Hyp Tan Opp Adj Old Hippie

13 Finding sin, cos, and tan

14 SOHCAHTOA 10 8 6

15 10.8 9 A 6 Find the sine, the cosine, and the tangent of angle A.
Give a fraction and decimal answer (round to 4 places). 10.8 9 A 6

16 ? 5 4 3 Pythagorean Theorem: (3)² + (4)² = c² 5 = c
Find the values of the three trigonometric functions of . ? Pythagorean Theorem: 5 4 (3)² + (4)² = c² 5 = c 3

17 24.5 8.2 23.1 Find the sine, the cosine, and the tangent of angle A
Give a fraction and decimal answer (round to 4 decimal places). B 24.5 8.2 A 23.1

18 Practice Workbook Page 77 # 1-4 Page 78 # 1-4

19 Finding a side

20 Ex. A surveyor is standing 50 feet from the base of a large tree. The surveyor measures the angle of elevation to the top of the tree as 71.5°. How tall is the tree? tan 71.5° ? tan 71.5° 71.5° y = 50 (tan 71.5°) 50 y = 50 ( )

21 Ex. 5 A person is 200 yards from a river. Rather than walk directly to the river, the person walks along a straight path to the river’s edge at a 60° angle. How far must the person walk to reach the river’s edge? cos 60° x (cos 60°) = 200 200 60° x x X = 400 yards

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