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Information Technology

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2 Information Technology
David J. Sullivan IT Specialist

3 2007 Recap Added online contact form to National Website
Over 6000 leads sent out from online form 300,000 Visitors to our National website 127,000 Visitors from Google search engine 10,000 Subscribers to our online newsletter 57,000 Visitors to our online blog

4 2008 Online Additions Online Employee Application
Based off Antoinette’s Website Used for both teacher applications and office staff Fields for contact information Fields for employment experience Information automatically sent to the studio Over 30 employment requests on 3 studios Since added to National website – 10 requests so far Database set up to keep track of all employment requests

5 2008 Online Additions New Studio Request Form
Beneficial to area developers and multiple studio owners Short form allowing for people to request where a new studio could be opened Database storing all studio location requests

6 2008 Online Additions Introductory Offer Contact Form
“Win” Free lessons contact form Great way to get new people into the studio

7 The Cost of Each Lead Average Marketing Costs from SWAR All Studios
Radio leads cost $144 per person Newspaper leads cost $78 per person Television leads $59 per person Yellow pages leads cost $59 per person Telemarketing leads cost $42 per person Coupon leads cost $38 per person Internet leads cost $16 per person

8 The Cost of Each Lead $360,000 in yellow page advertising – we received about 4000 shows $275,000 in newspaper advertising – we received 2500 shows So far in 2008 $96 per person for yellow pages $242 per person for newspapers

9 The Cost of Each Lead Leads went down on a national basis last year
Yellow pages -3000 Newspapers -2000 Guests -2000 Walk-ins -1700 Internet leads were 1 of only 3 marketing categories that increased

10 The Cost of Each Lead Internet leads increased by 1000 shows from 2006 to 2007 An increase in leads is great news – But this is really the beginning

11 The Cost of Each Lead In 2007 we spent $160,000 on internet advertising Although less was spent on internet advertising we received more leads from the internet than newspapers and yellow pages combined.

12 The Cost of Each Lead Marketing Figures with $0 advertising cost removed Radio - $266 per person Television - $139 per person Newspapers - $138 per person Coupons - $111 per person Telemarketing - $108 per person Yellow Pages - $91 per person Internet - $30 per person

13 Internet Marketing Internet Marketing is Cost Effective
Multiple free and low cost ways to market your site

14 Internet Marketing Search Engine Optimization
Cost – Free – With home office hosting Dramatic results Turned our monthly visitors from 4,000 to 30,000

15 Internet Marketing Free Fred Astaire Email Address Cost – Free
Branding Fred Astaire = Elegance, professionalism, instant recognition Yahoo

16 Internet Marketing Google and Yahoo Local Cost – Free
Appears when people are searching for a local business Appears above normal search results Ability to add additional information about your studio Ability to add pictures, coupons, reviews, etc…

17 Internet Marketing Multiple Links Coming to Your Site Cost - Free
Currently working on a dynamic page you can add to your website Will include Studio name, website, address, and phone number Updates each time the corporate directory is updated

18 Adding a Dynamic Element
Flickr – Photo Gallery Cost - Free Very professional Built in slide show function Easiest way to add photos to your site Ability to add names and descriptions to your photos Viewable in search results

19 Adding a Dynamic Element
Google – Calendar Program Cost - Free Add all your studio events Import events from Outlook Send out invitations Students can RSVP

20 Checking Your Stats Get the most out of your Internet advertising by checking your web stats Home office stats are updated everyday Shows where people are coming from How long they stay on your site Where they exit your site

21 Any Questions? Checking Your Stats
We’re here to help you with your internet marketing Any Questions?

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