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the national policy context

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1 the national policy context
High seas: the national policy context for UK HE Louis Coiffait, Associate Editor @LouisMMCoiffait @Wonkhe

2 1. Intros

3 Introducing Wonkhe (pron. “wonky”)
The home of higher education policy, people and politics Wonk: a studious or hard-working person ... who takes an excessive interest in the details of policy. We do TWO main things; Publish articles (that we write, edit or commission) Send briefings, to help explain what’s going on We also have a podcast, run events, training, consultancy, present etc.


5 TEF & REF - Interactive - Caveated appropriately
Data TEF & REF - Interactive - Caveated appropriately


7 Tour…

8 Email briefings; Monday, Daily (Tue-Thur)
FREE SUBSCRIPTION (free) (£3.2k+VAT per org.)

9 Events, podcasts etc…

10 Wonkfest

11 2. The good ship HMS UK HE

12 English HE (in one chart)
OfS Regulation HESA Charity Commission QAA HE providers Home Office Funding Student Interactions UKRI Students OIA 7 research councils Innovate UK UKRI – UK Research and Investment DH – Department of Health OfS – Office for Students HESA – Higher Education Statistics Authority UCAS – Universities and College Application Service QAA – Quality Assurance Agency DfE – Department for Education OIA – Office of the Independent Adjudicator BEIS – Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy SLC – Student loans company Research England DfE SLC UCAS BEIS DH Treasury

13 Stated government priorities
Economic growth post-Brexit – R&D, industrial strategy A HE “market” – choice, new providers, competition “Fair” value for money – between taxpayers and students

14 Value for (state/student) money
Parental contribution up to £5,523 per year (Martin Lewis) IFS research Martin Lewis’ blog, parental contribution if student living in London, academic year 2017/18, for new students and for continuing students not in their final year.

15 Pressure over fees, debt and interest
EPI research 6.3% interest from Sep

16 The IFS “education spending squid”
Currently being “updated”

17 3. Current shipping forecast for HE

18 How’s UK HE feel at the moment?
Perfect storm (film, fictional)

19 The small gusts REF (Research Excellence Framework) – 2021, similar game, different rules e.g. 25% “impact” TEF (Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework) approaches to quality assessment LEO (Longitudinal Education Outcomes) grad. Earnings KEF - Knowledge Exchange Framework, inc. comm£rcial Student recruitment – demographic dips/rises, intl. Finances – borrowing, x-subsidies Pay & conditions – vice chancellors and others, pensions Free speech, OfS board appointment processes

20 The BIG prevailing winds
New market regulator – Office for Students (OfS) Growing focus on metrics – data fundamentalism Changing student employment and expectations Open Access research already here, Open Textbooks crossing the Atlantic Value for money for the individual/taxpayer BrHExit – research funding, students, and staff “Culture wars” and the role of “experts” On BrHExit – research, EU budget, research funding UK govt needs to pay to play – or match it On intl. students – hostile environment, Theresa May Home Office, inclusion in the CAP, Sep MAC report, too late for Oct negotiations

21 OfS – light/right-touch regulation?
New statutory market regulator and Regulatory Framework Doors opened 1 Jan, started regulating April Fools Day Lower bar to “market” entry, lower fees for small providers Charges sector to be regulated, fees worst for mid-size HEIs c.553 private/alternative providers still unregulated More ‘teeth’ than HEFCE or OFFA, example(s) coming? More interventionist, and initially … more political But picked up good HEFCE work; attainment, hate crime

22 The big TEF (TEaSOF?) game
NOT about teaching excellence, a mixed-bag of (useful if used appropriately) measures Reduced NSS role = less student input, helps Russ. Group/London No significant impact on recruitment trends Including LEO damages capacity of TEF to recognise excellence across sector, skewed by geography and class Teaching intensity = inputs over outcomes 500+ students = mandatory TEF from Aug 2019 Subject-level TEF (re-)launch, 10 week consultation, coincides with 50 year one (unpublished) pilots, plus … apps?!

23 FAKE NEWS Perfect storm (film, fictional)

24 NOT FAKE NEWS Not fake news, a real wave, from Blue Planet 2. I’m not here to underplay the challenges. But I’ve got faith you can weather them.

25 ALWAYS CHALLENGES There have always been challenges, there always will be. Hokusai’s ‘Under the wave off Kanagawa (The Great Wave)’ 1832

26 ENJOY THEM? In time, you might even enjoy them…

27 Opportunities for institutions…
Tech, data, and analytics Open publishing and research The post-18 review (interim report Autumn) Redefining “technical and professional” education Integrating apprenticeships (inc. degree apps) Accelerated (two year) degrees But, ONE thing will really help…

28 Stay focused on the passengers
Your passengers

29 New types of students/study
More of these passengers

30 Help them be king of the world

31 To fly… Help them to fly

32 Thank you! Louis Coiffait, Associate Editor @LouisMMCoiffait @Wonkhe

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