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Strategies to Improve Adherence and Persistence in the Treatment of Hypertension.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies to Improve Adherence and Persistence in the Treatment of Hypertension."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies to Improve Adherence and Persistence in the Treatment of Hypertension


3 Hypertension A Major Public Health Crisis

4 20-Year Trends in Hypertension in the US 1988–2008


6 Hypertension African Americans

7 Contrasts in Goal BP Recommendations

8 Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT)

9 Adherence

10 Strategic Approach to Adherence


12 Canadian Hypertension Guidelines Recommendations

13 ESC Hypertension Treatment Recommendations

14 Starting Therapy With Combination Therapy

15 Different Effects of β-Blockers on NO-Mediated Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients With HTN

16 Efficacy of Nebivolol and Valsartan as Fixed-Dose Combination

17 Change in Glucose and Lipid Parameters in Patients With Diabetes Nebivolol Monotherapy

18 Abbreviations

19 Abbreviations (cont)

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