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The difference between civil and criminal cases

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Presentation on theme: "The difference between civil and criminal cases"— Presentation transcript:

1 The difference between civil and criminal cases
Objective 5.10 The difference between civil and criminal cases

2 The court settles a disagreement between two parties
civil case The court settles a disagreement between two parties Some examples: Person vs. Person Person vs. Business Person vs. government

3 Why is trial occurring? There is a dispute between two parties resulting in a lawsuit -ownership of property, injuries, money, breech of contract Who is involved?? Plaintiff- Party filing the complaint VS. Defendant- The party being sued by the plaintiff The goal of the trial?? Judge decides if defendant will pay $$$ damages to plaintiff

4 criminal case The court decides if a person accused of breaking the law is guilty or not guilty

5 Types of criminal charges
Felony Serious crime such as homicide or kidnapping. Results in jail time, loss of citizens’ rights, possible death penalty

6 Types of criminal charges
Misdemeanor Less serious crime such as traffic violation or minor theft Results in fine, probation, some jail time

7 Why is trial occurring? A person is accused of breaking the law by committing a crime Who is involved?? Prosecution- Government lawyers trying to prove guilt Vs. Defense- Lawyers of the accused trying to prove innocence The goal of the trial?? Based on evidence, is defendant guilty of committing a crime? Jury decides guilt/Innocence Judge decides punishment

8 Criminal or civil?

9 Criminal or civil? He broke the law. My client is innocent

10 Criminal or civil? He robbed a bank.

11 Criminal or civil? prosecution defendant It was a felony. represents
the government defendant

12 Criminal or civil? GUILTY prosecution defendant

13 of a felony. prosecution defendant
Criminal or civil? of a felony. prosecution defendant

14 criminal Go to the state pen. prosecution defendant

15 Criminal or civil?

16 Criminal or civil? Your dog bit my leg.

17 Criminal or civil? I’m suing you. plaintiff

18 civil I did nothing wrong plaintiff

19 civil I’m not paying damages. defendant plaintiff

20 Defendant is liable for $5,000.
Criminal or civil? Defendant is liable for $5,000. defendant plaintiff

21 civil defendant plaintiff $5,000

22 Which court would have heard this case?
District Court because a jury/judge is deciding in the original trial

23 If found guilty, what could this person do next??
Appeal case to the US Court of Appeals

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