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Mr Barker Assistant Head of Technology Miss Sweetman

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1 Mr Barker Assistant Head of Technology Miss Sweetman
AQA Design Technology Mr Barker Assistant Head of Technology Miss Sweetman

2 What is Design Technology?
“The study of materials technology to enable students to design and make quality products through the eyes of a designer”

3 What is Design Technology?
New course specification to any previous Design Technology GCSE Amalgamation of the previous Resistant Materials, Product Design and Textiles Students will need to study all materials but work closely with a preferred choice

4 Course structure The subject content is separated into 3 areas:
Core technical principles Specialist technical principles Designing and making principles

5 Core technical principles
Students will be required to study all areas of Design Technology, closely linked to their work at KS3. Materials and their properties New and emerging technologies (smart materials etc.) Energy generation and storage (finite and infinite) Systems designing (programmable components) Mechanical devices

6 Specialist technical principles
The study of at least one of the following areas: Papers and boards Timber based materials Metal based materials Polymers Textiles based materials Electronic and mechanical systems

7 Design and making principles
Using the design process to communicate their ideas Researching – generating ideas – developing Using the work of others: Norman Foster, Phillipe Starck, Alexander McQueen, Vivienne Westwood, Mary Quant, Coco Chanel, William Morris Alessi, Apple, Dyson, Gap, Primark, Under Armour, Zara

8 Assessment structure There are two key elements to assessment:
2 hour written exam 100 marks, weighted at 50% of the GCSE. Core principles – 20 marks Specialist principles – 30 marks Designing and making principles – 50 marks NEA (Non-exam assessment) Approximately hours 100 marks, weighted at 50% of the GCSE Practical application of key principles (as above) Based upon a contextual challenge, changed yearly Students produce a design portfolio and prototype

9 Skills & Qualities needed
Thinking creatively and problem solving Designing and sketching Precision in practical making ICT, in particular CAD Test , reflect & evaluate

10 Technical drawing Giving students to opportunity to learn the basics and traditional methods – orthography, one & two point perspective, isometrics and rendering techniques Learning basic skills in computer aided design in preparation for industry

11 Anticipated Course Timeline
Year 9 & 10 Term 1 & 2 – practice portfolio; skills and challenges Year 10 Term 3 – design portfolio Year 11 Term 1 – manufacturing Year 11 Term 2 & 3 – exam revision

12 Departmental support Controlled assessment stipulates that all coursework must be completed in timed sessions during lessons. Skills lessons to focus on particular areas that assist students, for example, CAD/CAM (laser cutting) Extra curricular sessions during lunches and afterschool Access to specialist equipment and machinery only available at KS4 Extra curricular trips – Grand Designs, Victoria and Albert Museum , Ikea, Bell Foundry?

13 Career pathways Students usually go on to study A-levels in Product Design, 3-D Design, Interior Design and other design and make-based courses to suit and lead to university choices. Possible careers include: Architecture The Fashion Industry Town Planning Interior Design Product Design 3-D Modelling Stage / Set / Prop building Professional Cabinet Making

14 Why opt for Design Technology?
Diverse GCSE choice Relaxed learning environment 60% coursework Enjoy designing and being creative Application of sciences and maths to real-life practical situation

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