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The Depression into WWII

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1 The Depression into WWII

2 Vocabulary Totalitarian State- is a nation in which a single party controls the government and every aspect of people’s lives Fascism- is a political system based on militarism, extreme nationalism, and blind loyalty to the state and its leader Aggression- is a warlike act by one country against another country without cause

3 Vocabulary Appeasement- is a policy of giving in to aggression in order to avoid war Lend-Lease Act- allowed the U.S. to lend or lease supplies to Britain and other countries fighting the Nazis while remaining technically neutral Total War- is conflict involving not just armies but entire nations. Rationing- is the act of setting limits on the amount of scarce goods people can buy

4 Vocabulary Intern- temporarily imprison
Island Hopping- American forces would capture some Japanese-held islands and go around others. Genocide- is the deliberate attempt to wipe out an entire nation or group of people War Crimes- acts of cruelty and brutality that are judged to be beyond the accepted rules of war and human behavior

5 Vocabulary United Nations- an organization of nations whose goals are to maintain peace and settle international disputes GI Bill- This bill gave veterans money to spend on business, homes, and schooling.

6 The Depression in Germany
Impoverished Germans grew increasingly dissatisfied with their government Believed that they were suffering unfairly due to the greed/mistreatment of others The NAZI (German Workers) party, was formed in the 1920s to fight for the rights of Germany over other nationalities/belief systems Wanted to retake lands split from Germany in Treaty of Versailles, reinstitute pride in German descent, stop spread of communism, and eradicate “lesser races”

7 Hitler Comes to Power The German government, wary of the NAZI’s growing influence, sent a spy (Hitler) to their meetings Hitler was only the 55th member of the party Hitler adopted the Swastika as his symbol as means of replacing the cross (replacing the church with the state) In 1924, Hitler was found guilty of treason after a failed attempt to take over the country In prison, Hitler wrote and published Mein Kampf Out of prison, Hitler reformed to party and was eventually elected to power After a series of shrewd political maneuverings, Hitler was able to form a one-party, totalitarian regime.

8 War Begins 1933 Hitler elected Chancellor 1st Concentration Camps open
Hitler becomes Dictator 1934 Hitler becomes Fuhrer 1935 Germany begins amassing military Germany takes away the rights of all Jews 1936 Germany invades Rhineland 1938 Germany aligns with Austria 1939 Germany takes Czechoslovakia Germany aligns with Italy Nazis invade Poland War begins 1940 Tripartite Treaty Signed 1941 Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor

9 Mobilizing for War Once war started, Congress started a military draft, which sent more young North Carolinians into military service The United States used federal money to produce industrial goods for the allies fighting Germany and Japan (Axis Powers) 9

10 Women and Minorities Join the War
Female college students picked cotton where there were labor shortages More than 7,000 women served and thousands worked at factories women moved from rural areas to the towns to work in factories 10

11 Sacrifices on the Home Front
Groceries were controlled by rationing; families could only buy limited amounts of any item in a month Gasoline was also limited Families were encouraged to plant “victory gardens” to raise more of their own food Polio struck thousands of children; new drugs and physical therapy saved dozens of lives 11

12 WWII in Europe

13 D-Day On June 6th, 1944, Allied forces (American, British, Canadian) led by General Eisenhower landed in Normandy, France 5000 vessels carried 150,000 men & 30,000 vehicles 800 planes flew 13,000 parachutists 300 planes dropped 13,000 bombs 9000+ men were killed or wounded in the first day The War was over within a year

14 The End of Hitler With the war fought on two fronts, Russian and allied forces raced towards each other, each side wanting to claim victory and dictate the outcome By the end of March the Russians were pushing into eastern Berlin April 30 Hitler commits suicide with his wife May 8 VE Day (Victory in Europe) The unconditional surrender of Germany to Allied forces

15 WWII in the Pacific

16 Pearl Harbor December 7th, 1941
Nearly the entire US Naval fleet was docked in harbor 3,684 killed or wounded 8 ships sank 188 aircraft destroyed The US immediately declared war on Japan, but focused first on defeating Hitler in Europe before turning its full attention on Japan

17 Island Hopping The United States of America adopted a strategy where-in US forces would fight only on those islands that were militarily valuable, hopping over those that weren’t

18 The Atomic Bomb In order to speed up the end of the war and avoid massive American casualties in a ground campaign in Japan, President Truman decided to use the Atomic Bomb. The bomb was dropped first on Hiroshima on August 6th, then on Nagasaki on August 9th. Both were important military centers. Japan surrendered August 15th.

19 The War is Over US Debt 1940 $9 billion US Debt 1945 $98 billion
US Dead ,000 Japanese Dead 3,500,000 German Dead 5,500,000 Holocaust Dead 11,000,000 Russian Dead 21,000,000 Total Dead 50,000,000

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