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Welcome to Integrated Science 1A!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Integrated Science 1A!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Integrated Science 1A!
Mr. Lambert Integrated Science 1A Trimester 2, 2014

Julian Melanie Malcolm Skylar PROJECTOR Matthew Julius Michael Kasey David Ruby LAB TABLE Pablo Terresia Kyle Wayne Victor Andres Kristina Maria A Venon Irenes Jacob Leonardo DESK WINDOW Armonee Darius Roddy

3 Bell-Ringer Pick up a Bell Ringer sheet on the front table. On the box that says “Bell Ringer” answer the following questions: What is physics? What part of your everyday life involves Physics?

4 Agenda Bell Ringer Learning Targets Getting to Know You Syllabus
Rules, Expectations, Procedures Who am I? Exit Slip

5 Welcome to Integrated Science 1A!
Twelve week course Topics include: Waves Electric & Magnetic fields Electromagnetism Currents Atoms Big Bang Theory Grades are based upon: Standard mastery (60%) Summative Assessments (20%) Daily work (20%)

6 Getting to know you handout
Please take 5 minutes to fill out the handout.

7 Getting to know you Introduce yourself to your group
Tell them some interesting facts about yourself! (look on the handout you filled out earlier) You will introduce each other to the class and tell two facts about your partner.


9 A little bit about me!

10 A little bit about me!



13 A little bit about me! I went to a college called Middlebury College

14 A little bit about me!

15 A little bit about me!

16 Rules & Expectations Handout
Fill in the handout as we review the classroom Rules & Expectations. Each group will have to come up and present a good example and bad example of one of the rules

17 Classroom Rules What do I have to do to be successful?
Keep all hands, feet, legs and objects to yourself. Follow directions the first time they are given. Stay in your assigned area unless given permission to move. Use appropriate and positive language. Stay on task & keep your head up!

18 My Classroom Expectations
What do these look like? Treat all people with RESPECT. Do not talk while I am talking or while a classmate is talking Actively participate and ask questions. Follow all procedures. Give your best effort.

19 Consequences What happens when I do not meet expectations? Warning
Private Warning Private Conference Parent Contact Referral *The order of consequences may be changed based upon the severity of the behavior. This is up to the discretion of the teacher.*

20 When I need your attention
I will say “I need your attention please” You should stop talking, turn around, and face me.

21 Classroom Procedures Entering the classroom Say hello to me! Give me a handshake/fist-bump/hi-five. Enter quietly. Pick up your notebook from the appropriate basket. Find your assigned seat and clear your desk of everything except your notebook, folder, and pencil. Take out your bell-ringer sheet and silently complete the bell-ringer activity. Eyes on me when you are finished.

22 Classroom Procedures Talking in class and electronics Talking and speaking in class will happen during specific times determined by our activity. I will direct you of the appropriate talking level. Electronic devices will only be used when directed by Mr. Lambert. I will warn you the first time I see it, but the second time, I will take it.

23 Classroom Procedures Exiting the classroom
At 5 minutes to the end of class, you will stop your activities and work on the Exit Slip. When you are finished with your Exit Slip put your notebook & Bell Ringer sheet back in the crate (or your book bag) While at your desk, clean up your area and pack up your materials. Pick up any garbage on the floor. Remain in your seat and wait quietly for dismissal by me, not the bell.



26 Exit Slip We covered a lot of information today. To check your understanding, answer the following questions: What should you do when you enter Mr. Lambert’s class? What are two rules and two expectations in Mr. Lamberts class? What website should you visit if you are absent or want to study?

27 Tour of classroom Look around the classroom and find the following items: Stapler Pencil Sharpener Crates with folders and notebooks Hand in tray Corrected work tray

28 Classroom Procedures Asking a question/verbal participation Hold up the appropriate hand signal to get my attention: Raise you hand if you wish to speak. Cross two fingers if you need to use the restroom. Hold up your pencil if you need to sharpen it. Please do not sharpen pencils while I am talking. Wait for me to give you the “ok” or “wait” signal.

29 Classroom Procedures Make-up work
It is YOUR responsibility to find out what work you missed! You will have the number of days absent plus one extra day to turn in the work. Check the class website ( to see what you missed!

30 Syllabus Jigsaw Each group will be responsible for reading a section of the syllabus On one side of the blank sheet of paper, each group should write the top 3 most important points of your section Draw a quick sketch that is relevant to the reading section 2 people will come up to present your section to the class Use doc cam

31 Summary/Review Fold a half sheet of paper to create 4 panels
In each panel, pick one procedure we covered today, and explain how to follow that particular procedure As a class review: Entering the classroom Exiting the classroom Make up work Sharpening your pencil Asking a question

32 Respect Activity Think-pair-share
Elbow partners will be given 4 post-it notes Each post-it is for one of the following posters: Respect yourself Respect me Respect your environment Respect your classmates Write 2 examples of how to achieve each “respect” statement on each post-it note Go to the respective “respect” statement and post your post-it note!

33 Exit Slip How does Mr. Lambert get your attention?
What is the name of one of you classmates and what are two facts about him/her?

34 Icebreaker Two truths and a lie Get in your assigned groups of 2-3
Come up with two things that are true for all of your group members Come up with one thing that is a lie for all of your group members Can you stump your classmates? The class will try to figure out with one is a lie.

35 Contact Information Phone: Extra help: Mondays and Wednesdays after schools Remind Sign up! to (502) Have parents sign up

36 Remind Enter this number with this message (502) 883-6551 @fbdd6
Period 1 Enter this number (502) with this message @fbdd6

37 Remind Enter this number with this message (502) 883-6551 @06794
Period 2 Enter this number (502) with this message @06794

38 Remind Enter this number: With this message: (502) 883-6551 @b725ff
Period 4 Enter this number: (502) With this message: @b725ff

39 Remind Enter this number With this message (502) 883-6551 @3878
Period 5 Enter this number (502) With this message @3878

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