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Short Stories – Homework Project

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1 Short Stories – Homework Project
You will be set a homework project to complete over this half term – A CREATIVE EXCITING EXRAVAGANZA! At the end of this project, we will join together with other Year 7 classes and showcase what you’ve created. There will be prizes for the best entries!! Every week I will ask you to show me the progress you have made – this can be a piece of work, a photo, an , but you do not need to bring in the finished project until the final week of term, when we will have the SHOWCASE lesson!

2 Short Stories – Homework Project
Read through your sheet, and complete the suggested task for each week – you can adapt the task to suit you, or set your own task! You must complete this as a minimum, but you are encouraged to complete more. Be as creative as possible – you could create something 3D, a painting, a piece of art, a booklet, a pop-up book… the possibilities are endless! Go through sheet and ideas on there

3 Some inspiration from what Y7s have created in previous years (based on a Shakespeare project)…
Change homework hub/dates on pp slides – passport requires weekly checks – give two weeks for task one?


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