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Marlee Givens, Liz Holdsworth & Karen Viars

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1 Marlee Givens, Liz Holdsworth & Karen Viars
Persistence and teamwork for new horizons: exploring a distributed teaching model in support of information literacy competencies LH  Marlee Givens, Liz Holdsworth & Karen Viars

2 What's happening in libraryland Who are we? Our solutions Activity
Agenda Scenarios What's happening in libraryland Who are we?   Our solutions  Activity Successes Challenges  The future  Ask us anything!  MG Over the next 45 minutes we will present the situation we faced at our library and invite you to participate in exploring solutions to the issues we faced – which may be similar to situations you face where you work. We will talk about things that are happening in academic libraries that are changing the ways we as liaison librarians deliver instruction, services and support to our faculty and students. By the end of our time together you will have ideas, an inventory of resources, and maybe even a plan for implementing a distributed teaching model at your library. Our scenario/your scenario - 10 minutes What's happening in libraryland – 5 minutes Who are we?  1 minute Our solutions - 5 minutes Figure it out - 10 minutes What were the successes? 3 minutes What were the challenges? 3 minutes What are the steps into the future? 1 minutes Ask us anything! - 10 minutes

3 Scenario: What would you do?
Karen is the library liaison to Georgia Tech's Literature, Media, and Communication (LMC) program. The LMC is responsible for the foundational English courses, which are taught by the Brittain Fellows. Karen receives about 30 requests for library instruction classes each semester, and each class is in reality three back-to-back sessions. Some requests are for overlapping dates and times. If Karen schedules classes for one Brittain Fellow, others are left in the lurch. How can Karen cover all of the sessions? Discuss with your neighbor and/or table a solution to this problem. Be prepared to share with the class. KV

4 Scenario: Sound familiar?
Is there a similar situation that you have faced in your library? How are you managing it so far? KV

5 What’s happening in libraryland
Reference vs instruction Decline in number of  faculty librarians translates to increased load of departments Increase in teaching and instruction  Embedded vs competencies Embedded places the librarian within the discipline’s context Some skills haven’t changed and additional skills are needed Face-to-face vs online instruction Individual care, face to the service, and formative assessment Scaled to thousands of students, affordances of technology, and skills are untethered to class time  5 minutes KV – reference vs instruction (ACRL liaison information); change from traditional reference needs, increased teaching in non-expertise areas MG – embedded vs competencies In a 2014 report published by Ithaka S+R, "Leveraging the Liaison Model," Anne Kenney declares that "the current liaison model is inadequate to the new demands and expectations" of our stakeholders, and that "it is clear that no one liaison can do it all." We are now expected to demonstrate not only subject expertise but also to keep up with changing models for teaching and learning and new avenues for scholarly publishing. Our students and faculty seek our assistance with intellectual property, open access and copyright, instructional design and technology, data management, and new practices for information stewardship, discovery and access. Liaison librarians are collaborating more and becoming less protective of their "turf," learning new skills to meet new demands, and finding new ways to distribute liaison work as user needs grow and change. LH – synchronous vs asynchronous (Liz's research (info lit paper 2014), virtual drop in session, flipped classrooms, scaling 

6 1 2 3 Who are we? Instructional designers and instruction coordinators
Intermediate instructors Novice instructors MG (1 minute) In this first year six of us have participated in teaching research skills for first-year students in English 1101 and Karen not only had one year under her belt doing this at Georgia Tech, she has a degree in instructional technology and a wealth of experience in instructional design. Karen serves as primary contact and the coordinator for English 1101 and 1102 teaching for the Library. Marlee has a background in teaching and an instructional design certificate. Liz and our colleague Fred have taught many instruction sessions and consider themselves to be at the "intermediate" level of instruction experience. Our other colleagues Isabel and Ximin consider themselves to be novices, but they bring other interesting experiences to the table. Isabel has an engineering degree and is liaison to several engineering schools, and Ximin is our data visualization librarian.

7 Our solution: Distributed Teaching
KV - The imperfect storm: new department, Library Next, one person overwhelmed, others with expertise, Brittain Fellows who are creative & innovative, opportunity to learn or refine teaching skills. Not just relief for Karen, but allowed everyone involved to be creative in some way. Trust, not micromanaging, created templates, made sure of foundational skills. Created community of practice. Converse amongst ourselves about these class throughout the semester. MG – we also implemented some practical measures that helped us be successful. Karen set up a shared Outlook calendar and work instructions for creating appointments so that we could consistently keep up with who was teaching what and when. She also created a great PowerPoint template that included several concepts that we might cover in an instruction session, along with student learning activities, so that we could pick and choose elements for our own lesson plans. This was part of a series of train-the-trainer sessions Karen organized, where we learned more about the Brittain Fellows, the typical first-year students, some of Karen's lessons learned from her first year, and some typical class assignments that we could use for practice teaching. During this first year Karen also scheduled meetings for us to share our own experiences and troubleshoot. In essence she has created a cohort of peers, and we all learn from each other.  Karen created the calendar and the templates -> shared Drive, modifiable, many so we can pick and choose what to do, options for creativity,  We taught the classes using these resources, we talk amongst ourselves about our experiences, we can decide how much to take on based on the other things that we do We met back to talk about things – troubleshoot our problems, practice our presentations, brainstorm the future

8 Activity! Take an inventory of resources that are immediately available to you at your institution that you need to create a distributed instruction model.   Look at the things beyond your control. Troubleshoot possible solutions with your table. OFF LIMITS: Personnel restrictions that are not documented by HR, e.g. "Mark can't teach" "Jane is lazy" 10 minutes LH – leads scenario

9 Communication strategies New view of librarianship & the library
Successes! Scheduling Communication strategies New view of librarianship & the library Teaching experience Active learning 3 minutes KV Met faculty's needs more effectively with scheduling (more classes, used shared calendar) Provided a more diverse view of librarianship and library expertise and resources to students and faculty, as well as what a library is and what we do. LH  More teaching experience for librarians Improved instruction, including active learning for first-year undergraduates Librarians learned effective communication strategies with faculty

10 Our Challenges Complex assignments Communication Learning to teach
Managing time 3 minutes KV – complex assignment  LH – communication LH and MG – learning to teach (MG) For me, even though I had some instructional design experience, most of my classroom experience was with adults. First year students have different needs as learners. They're very focused on doing it right for their grade, rather than being nervous to try something new and feeling vulnerable. MG – managing time. My first lesson plan was a little too ambitious for the 50-minute class session. I had planned three activities but could only really accomplish one and a half – the second one we all had to do together, and the third one we didn't have time for at all. This is probably because I spent too much time explaining concepts before doing the activity. Lesson learned: it's better just to jump into the action.

11 The Future! Continue and develop assessment More faculty
Clarification on some instruction Grants Increase engagement with Brittain Fellows

12 Ask us anything Karen Viars – Humanities & Science Fiction librarian and LMC liaison Marlee Givens – Modern Languages librarian and Library Learning Consultant Liz Holdsworth – STEM librarian

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