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Myxococcus xanthus The Coolest Bacteria PROOF!!!

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1 Myxococcus xanthus The Coolest Bacteria PROOF!!!
Presentation for Mrs. James' Bio II class

2 Scientific Stuff Name: Myxococcus xanthus Classification:
-Actually is rod-shaped (have rounded ends… so it’s a coccus) -Chemoorganotrophic (chemohetero, basically) -Aerobic (need oxygen)

3 More Scientific Stuff Habitat – Organic soil (has to have pH 5- 8) Can also live in rockier terrain Special Adaptations - 2 types of locomotion 1. Type IV Pilli (used as a hook) 2. Mucus Secretion (helps it move in a 'gliding' fashion) - Has a multi-cellular synchronizing mechanism -Can talk with other cells to work together against a common prey Can form endospores when food is not available

4 Last of Science Stuff Not disease-causing (not harmful to humans)
Gram-negative Environmental Impact/ Function - Kills lots of bacteria Cool Stuff – It is used (and still being studied) to kill harmful bacteria and fungi and is used to make antibodies which can fight off yeasts, mold, and enterobacteria.

5 Cool Stuff - 2 Mutations This mutation has what is called Adventurous Motility (A) This mutation has what is called Social Motility (S) 39 seconds 12 seconds

6 More Cool Stuff Now is being researched to make a medicine called Taxol that can target breast-cancer cells Genome is 9.14 Mb (not mega-bytes but Mega base which is 1,000,000 base-pairs) Mass of 100,000 Myxococcus Xanthus cells with their visable spores

7 Hyperlinks q=

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