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Chapter 14 Jobs and the Design of Work
Differentiate between job and work. Discuss the traditional approaches to job design. Identify and describe alternative approaches to job design. Identify and describe contemporary issues facing organizations in the design of work. Learning Outcomes © 2013 Cengage Learning
1 Learning Outcome Differentiate between job and work.
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Job a set of specified work and task activities that engage an individual in an organization © 2013 Cengage Learning
Ways of Thinking about Jobs
Organizational position – a job in relation to other parts of the organization Career – a sequence of job experiences over time © 2013 Cengage Learning
Work mental or physical activity that has productive results
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Meaning of Work the way a person interprets and understands the value of work as a part of life © 2013 Cengage Learning
Six Patterns of Work B – provides A – value C – profit accrues to
personal affect and identity Six Patterns of Work A – value comes from performance; accountability is important C – profit accrues to others by work performance F – activity constrained to specific time periods; no positive affect through its performance E –generally unpleasant physically and mentally strenuous activity D – physical activity directed by others and performed in a workplace © 2013 Cengage Learning
2 Learning Outcome Discuss the traditional approaches to job design.
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Traditional Approaches to Job Design
Scientific Management Job Characteristics Theory Job Enlargement/ Job Rotation Enrichment © 2013 Cengage Learning
Ways of Thinking about Jobs
Emphasizes work simplification – standardization and the narrow, explicit specification of task activities for workers. Limits number of tasks; tasks are designed so worker doesn’t have to think. + Allows diverse groups to work together + Leads to production efficiency and higher profits - Undervalues the capacity for thought and ingenuity © 2013 Cengage Learning
Job Enlargement/Rotation
Job Enlargement –increases the number of activities in a job to overcome the boredom of overspecialized work Job Rotation – workers are exposed to a variety of specialized jobs over time Cross-Training – workers are trained in different specialized tasks or activities + Overcomes boredom and lack of variety of highly specialized jobs + Overcomes underutilization and lack of stimulation - Need to make sure that workers see the consequences of their decisions moving on to the next task © 2013 Cengage Learning
Job Enrichment Designing or redesigning jobs by incorporating motivational factors + Increases recognition, responsibility and opportunity for achievement. - Only certain jobs should be enriched. © 2013 Cengage Learning
Job Characteristics Theory
Emphasizes the interaction between the individual and specific attributes of the job. A worker’s values, religious beliefs and ethnic background influence response to the job Job Diagnostic Survey – survey instrument designed to measure the elements in the Job Characteristics Model © 2013 Cengage Learning
Job Characteristics Model
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Five Core Job Characteristics
Motivating Potential Score MPS = Skill variety Task identity significance x [Autonomy] x [Feedback] 3 + © 2013 Cengage Learning
Engagement the expression of oneself as one performs in work or other roles © 2013 Cengage Learning
3 Learning Outcome Identify and describe alternative approaches to job design. © 2013 Cengage Learning
Social Information Processing (SIP) Model
a model that suggests that the important job factors depend in part on what others tell a person about the job © 2013 Cengage Learning
4 Premises of (SIP) Model
people provide cues to understanding the work environment people help us judge our jobs people tell us how they see our jobs people’s positive and negative feedback help us understand our feelings about our jobs © 2013 Cengage Learning
Ergonomics the science of adapting work and working conditions to the employee or worker © 2013 Cengage Learning
Interdisciplinary Approach
Motivational Mechanistic Biological Perceptual/ motor © 2013 Cengage Learning
Outcomes of Various Job Design Approaches
Decreased training time Higher utilization levels Lower error likelihood Less mental overload Lower stress levels Higher job satisfaction Higher motivation Greater job involvement Higher job performance Lower absenteeism Mechanistic Approach Motivational Approach + + - - Lower job satisfaction Lower motivation Higher absenteeism Increased training time Lower personnel utilization Greater chance of errors Greater chance of mental overload and stress © 2013 Cengage Learning 3
Outcomes of Various Job Design Approaches
Less physical effort Less physical fatigue Fewer health complaints Fewer medical incidents Lower absenteeism Higher job satisfaction Lower error likelihood Lower accident likelihood Less mental stress Decreased training time Higher utilization levels + Biological Approach + Perceptual Motor Approach - - Higher financial costs because of changes in equipment or job environment Lower job satisfaction Lower motivation © 2013 Cengage Learning 3
International Perspectives on the Design of Work
The Japanese Approach Emphasizes strategic level Encourages collective and cooperative working arrangements Emphasizes lean production © 2013 Cengage Learning
Lean Production using committed employees with ever-expanding responsibilities to achieve zero waste, 100 percent good product, delivered on time, every time © 2013 Cengage Learning
Beyond the Book: Lean Production to the Rescue
Manufacturing companies in the U.S. are turning to lean production methods to stay profitable during the recession. The method involves producing only what is ordered, reducing inventory and making each part in an uninterrupted flow. 61% of manufacturers have adopted lean production methods or plan to do so within the next year. The lean production method, pioneered by Toyota in the early 1980’s, is helping firms in the U.S. remain viable during the global economic recession. As demonstrated by a Sealy mattress factory in Maryland, lean production methods allow for faster, more efficient production, reduced inventories and lower labor costs. Before implementing lean production it used to take 21 labor hours to produce a mattress; now, it takes just four. Cliff Waldman of the Manufacturers Alliance says that “Our response to the cost pressures brought about by globalization is … to produce cheaper and more efficiently.” The results, thus far, seem encouraging, as manufacturing productivity in the U.S. rose 4.9% in the second quarter of 2009, the highest since 2005. SOURCE: Paul Davidson “Lean manufacturing helps companies survive recession” USA Today November , accessed online at: © 2013 Cengage Learning
International Perspectives on the Design of Work
The German Approach Previously, Technocentric – placing technology and engineering at the center of job design decisions Recently, Anthropocentric – placing human considerations at the center of job design decisions © 2013 Cengage Learning
Hierarchical Model of Criteria
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International Perspectives on the Design of Work
The Scandinavian Approach encourages high degrees of worker control encourages good social support systems for workers © 2013 Cengage Learning
Work Design and Well-Being
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Work Design and Well-Being
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Work Design and Well-Being
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4 Learning Outcome Identify and describe contemporary issues facing organizations in the design of work. © 2013 Cengage Learning
Emerging Issues in Design of Work
Telecommuting – employees work at home or in other locations geographically separate from their company’s main location Alternative work patterns: Flextime – an alternative work pattern that enables employees to set their own daily work schedules Job Sharing – an alternative work pattern in which there is more than one person occupying a single job © 2013 Cengage Learning
Emerging Issues in Design of Work
Technology: Concept involves work being where the people are, rather than people moving to where work is. Virtual Office – a mobile platform of computer, telecommunication, and information technology and services Technostress – the stress cause by new and advancing technologies in the workplace Skills development – the knowledge and information requirements for jobs of the future are especially high. © 2013 Cengage Learning
Beyond the Book: The Work Design Questionnaire
The Work Design Questionnaire was created to fill gaps in existing work-characteristics assessments and integrate their data. Results from the questionnaire found that both motivational work characteristics and social support played a strong role in predicting job satisfaction. Science Assessing Job Design and the Nature of Work This study was intended to provide a more comprehensive measure of job design and the nature of work by building on the strong tradition of previous, more narrowly focused lines of research. The resulting Work Design Questionnaire (WDQ) measures 21 distinct work characteristics in three categories. These are motivational work characteristics such as skill variety and task identity, social characteristics such as interdependence and social support, and work context characteristics such as physical demands and work conditions. Work outcomes of concern in this research included satisfaction, efficiency, and workload. The WDQ was validated with 540 incumbents, many of whom were managers, in 243 distinct jobs and the results showed excellent reliability as well as convergent and discriminant validity. While the results found that motivational work characteristics do predict satisfaction, social support was a strong incremental predictor of satisfaction beyond the motivational work characteristics. Thus, enhancing social support in the work may yield both motivational and training benefits for job incumbents. In addition, while many work redesign efforts often require trade-offs between satisfaction and training and compensation requirements, the range of design choices is much greater with the WDQ. Therefore, the WDQ offers the potential to avoid the trade-offs commonly encountered in earlier work redesign efforts. The study concludes that the WDQ holds promise for scholars studying work design theory and practitioners redesigning jobs and work in organizations. SOURCE: F.P. Morgeson and S.E. Humphrey, “The Work Design Questionnaire (WDQ): Developing and Validating a Comprehensive Measure for Assessing Job Design and the Nature of Work,” Journal of Applied Psychology 91 (2006): © 2013 Cengage Learning
Tyler Perry’s Daddy’s Little Girls
1. This chapter opened with a discussion of “job” and “work.” Apply that discussion to the film sequence. Include in your analysis the pattern of social interaction between Monty and Julia. 2. Apply the job characteristics theory to the film sequence. What is the level of each core job characteristic for Monty’s job? 3. Estimate the levels of each critical psychological state for Monty. Use Figure 14.1, “The Job Characteristics Model,” as a guide. Use “low,” “middle,” or “high” for your estimate. Tyler Perry’s Daddy’s Little Girls Monty (Idris Elba), a hardworking automobile mechanic, loses custody of his three daughters to his evil ex-wife, Jennifer (Tasha Smith). He begins working as a chauffeur for Julia (Gabriele Union), an upper-class attorney. Their relationship develops both romantically and professionally as she represents him in his court battle. This sequence begins with a panning shot of Julia’s condominium building and ends after Julia and Monty arrive at the courthouse. Julia says, “Next time follow my instructions, okay?” Monty responds, “Yes ma’am,” as he gets out of the car. © 2013 Cengage Learning
How do the tasks of managers and camp counselors differ at Camp Bow Wow?
How does Camp Bow Wow utilize a form of job rotation to keep camp counselors satisfied with their jobs? Using the job characteristics model, explain why the employees of Camp Bow Wow love their jobs. Camp Bow Wow A few years ago, Sue Ryan, a Camp Bow Wow franchisee, handled all the ins and outs of managing the doggie day camp. Once the job became overwhelming, however, Ryan hired experienced pet care worker Candace Stathis to be camp counselor, and, later, general manager. To keep camp running as efficiently as possible, Stathis maintains a strict schedule for doggie baths, nail trimmings, feedings, and play time. Staying on schedule is no easy task, however, especially during the busy holidays and summer months, or whenever the pets get territorial. Stathis says that while dogs get in occasional tussles, all camp staff members are trained to handle hairy situations. Ask your students: How do the tasks of managers and camp counselors differ at Camp Bow Wow? How does Camp Bow Wow utilize a form of job rotation to keep camp counselors satisfied with their jobs? Using the job characteristics model, explain why the employees of Camp Bow Wow love their jobs. © 2013 Cengage Learning 38
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