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Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open Training E2Open Onboarding Team April 2018 Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’

2 E2Open Agenda What is E2Open? Locating Items Search Register
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open Agenda What is E2Open? Register Invitation User Registration Login into the system Password Change Select an application System Display Navigation Tree Locating Items Search My Workspace Edit Display Preferences Suggested Alerts to be Displayed Data Filter Alert Subscription How to toggle between one supplier number and another. Exceptions and Alerts Overview Forecast SA/SA Firm Delivery Sched Discrete Order How to Create an ASN Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

3 What is E2Open? E2open is an on-demand, cloud based, system that allows companies to exchange new PO, changes to the PO, and forecast information electronically.  Supplier will be notified when new information is available and alerted to respond to these demands.  Additionally, suppliers will create ASNs (Advanced Ship Notices) indicating what, how many and when materials will arrive. E2Open

4 Electronic Communication
2 Receiving Requirements Notification for new or change Analysis 1 Sending Requirements Schedule Agreements Discrete Forecasting 3 Communicate Information Confirmation of New and changes Shipment 4 Receiving Info Confirmation Changes Shipment Suppliers JCI E2Open allows us to have more seamless, real-time visibility between JCI and our suppliers. This ensures all parties have knowledge of forecasts/orders, can immediately see changes, and see needed delivery dates. This cuts down administrative work and increases accuracy, enhancing on-time delivery of supplies.

5 Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’
Contact Information – Project Team Name Contact Valeria Anaya –  Team Member +011  On Boarding Team Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’

6 Order Management Process Workflow
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ Order Management Process Workflow Supplier Collaboration with E2Open brings the ability to collaborate with suppliers on Order process, Planning Process, and Order Fulfillment Process. Simply, this bring all of us, the ability to communicate Forecast, Forecast commitment, Discrete and Schedule Agreement creation and their commitments from the supplier, and then Shipment, and finally Receipt information. Forecast Release / Delivery Schedule Release Forecast Release / Delivery Schedule Response Discrete Purchase Order / Scheduling Agreement Release Discrete Purchase Order / Scheduling Agreement Response Shipment / ASN Receipt Notification Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’

7 E2O Access and Registration
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2O Access and Registration Who In Your Organization Need Access? Person managing account to confirm orders Shipping to create and print ASN- Mandatory!! Send addresses for access request to Identify your users and send access requests today! Invitation s will be sent out a few days before the Go Live. Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’

8 E2Open Register – Invitation Email
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open Register – Invitation Each user will set up an account in the production system. An invitation will be sent. Account registration is a 2 step process: 1st administrator assigns supplier account access.  Go to the “Get started!” box midway down the page in the invitation and click on the blue hyperlink message: “Click to accept the invite and get started with the registration process."  2nd create a user id (please use your address in lower case as your user id) and password; Once you have completed the registration, the administrator will receive confirmation prompting the account assignment  Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

9 E2Open Registration – User Registration
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open Registration – User Registration 1. Select the appropriate action button If you are a new user, click the New Account button, which will direct you to the User Registration page If you are an existing user of the E2open system, click the Existing Account button, which will direct you to the Login page Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

10 E2Open Registration - User Registration
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open Registration - User Registration 2. Enter your registration details including Name and Password Your User ID and Address will be pre-populated Click the Save button to be directed to the Login page If you leave the registration site sitting inactive part way through the registration process, and then resume, you may receive a "system error" message Note: All fields marked with (*) are mandatory fields to be filled. User ID must always enter in lower case form. Password setup requires a minimum of 8 characters, which at least 2 characters must be numbers or symbols, at least 4 characters must be letters. E.g. Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

11 E2Open Register – Login into the System
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open Register – Login into the System To access the Login page, in your browser's Address box enter the URL: At the Login page Type your User ID ( address) Type your Password Click the Log in button If you have forgotten your password, click Forgot? Note: You can reset your password without having to contact anyone else. After you change your password it takes 15mins for the system to reflect the changes. A D B C Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

12 Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’
E2Open Password Change The system will automatically request you to change your password every 90 days. Enter your old password in the Input old password box Type your new password in the Input new password box A. Your new password must follow these guidelines Re-enter your new password in the Confirm new password box Click the Change Password button A Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

13 E2Open Select an Application
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open Select an Application On the Select an Application page, click Process Manager image or other application tab Click the Profile tab to change your Password Click the Alerts tab to see your alerts Click the Reports tab to see your reports Click the Support tab to contact Customer Support A B C D Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

14 E2Open System Display The system display is divided in three sections
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open System Display The system display is divided in three sections Header Page Display Navigation Tree Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

15 E2Open System Display - Header
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open System Display - Header User ID 1 2 3 4 5 The Header displays your User ID and the Role that you are using In addition, from the Header you can: Click Exit to leave the application Click Bookmark to save a link to a frequently accessed page Click Help to review training material documents Click About to see the software version Click Feedback to rate a page for Content, Design, Ease of Use, etc. Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

16 Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’
E2Open Navigation Tree You conduct most of your movement throughout the system via the Navigation Tree Access to specific functionality is role- dependent Click the [+] button to expand the menu and view the grouping of related commands Click the [-] button to collapse the menu structure Click Home to collapse the menu structure and return to your initial start page Drag the bar to resize (widen or narrow) the Navigation Tree 3 1 4 2 Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

17 Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’
E2Open Search 1. For "Auto-complete search" fields, start typing part of your search criteria and a pop up menu will appear with options containing your search string In the example shown, typing m1 or M1 finds 2 options The text is not case sensitive For other search fields, these rules apply: Search boxes ARE case sensitive Use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard for unknown characters For example, to search for items having 12 anywhere in the number, enter *12* Use the comma (,) with no spaces to separate multiple items. *12* Selectmaker,Topgate,Enpro M1 3 1 M1 2 Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

18 My Workspace E2Open training
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ My Workspace E2Open training Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’

19 E2Open My Workspace – Edit Display Preferences
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open My Workspace – Edit Display Preferences Edit Display Preferences In order to have only the necessary information on My Workspace screen, you need to click the Edit Display Preferences button on the upper right corner. Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

20 E2Open My Workspace – Edit Display Preferences
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open My Workspace – Edit Display Preferences A screen with several checkboxes will appear. Select the ones you need to be displayed. Uncheck the ones you do not need. Click Update Preferences Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

21 E2Open My Workspace – Suggested Alerts to be displayed
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open My Workspace – Suggested Alerts to be displayed Discrete Orders Scheduling Agreements (SAs) SUPPLY NETWORK EXCEPTIONS WINDOW NEW / CHANGE SA SCHEDULE LINE ALERT SCHEDULING AGREEMENT REQUEST/ SHIPPED QUANTITY MISMATCH ALERT Order Past Due Alert - SA Missing SA Firm Delivery Schedule Response Alert NEW / CHANGE SCHEDULING AGREEMENT New/Changed Forecast Alert Missing Supplier Commit Response to Forecast Alert Forecast - Commit Mismatch Alert Cumulative Forecast - Commit Mismatch Alert  Portal Components SELECT ALL DO NOT CLICK ON SUPPLY NETWORK EXCEPTIONS  Supply Network Order Summary CLEAR ALL, THEN ONLY SELECT THE OPTIONS FOR SCHEDULING AGREEMENT Scheduling Agreement Summary Shipment Summary  Receipt Summary Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

22 E2Open My Workspace – Data Filer
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open My Workspace – Data Filer Click the Filter icon next to the item that you wish to filter Enter your filter criteria (Screen capture shows filter by JCI Plant) Optional, click the Search button to test your filter Click the Save Portal Preference button to save your filter When a filter is applied a checkmark will appear next to the funnel B. Data filter can be applied in all the places where a funnel is present. 1 2 4 3 Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

23 My Workspace – List customization
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ 3 Click on the box at the top, to select all of the items in the list. Go to the next page by clicking on the arrows. Click on the pencil in the upper right corner to configure the list. If you click on these icons you can change the sorting of the list from descending to ascending and vice versa. Download any list by clicking on Download. Change the number of records shown in a page. Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

24 E2Open My Workspace – Email Alert Subscription
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open My Workspace – Alert Subscription You need to set up the alerts you would like to get from E2Open, these will generate an automated From the Tree menu on your left, select My Profile menu. Choose Alert Subscription. You may select the Alerts that you would like to be sent to your . These alerts will contain a link to the section in E2Open that you may take action. The image in the right represents the suggested selection for Discrete Orders. If you deal with SAs, please select accordingly. You must click Update to save your selection 1 2 Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

25 E2Open My Workspace – Email Alert Subscription sample
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open My Workspace – Alert Subscription sample This is a sample that you may receive after you set up the alerts in E2Open. By clicking on the blue hyperlink you will be taken to the place in E2Open where you have to take action. Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

26 E2Open How to toggle between one supplier number and another.
If you serve more than one JCI Plant, it could be the case that you have been assigned a different supplier number for each plant. In order to change from one supplier # to another, you will need to go to the left menu and click on My Profile> Change Role. You will see the different supplier #’s you have been assigned. The supplier # you are using is highlighted in yellow and the word “(current)” appears next to it. E2Open

27 E2Open How to toggle between one supplier number and another.
Once you click on the desired supplier number you will see that the information displayed in the header will change. In some cases, two or more plants will share the same supplier #, in that case the way to distinguish which of the plants is requiring the material is to check under JCI Plant Code column. Plant Codes: Norman 1001/ Wichita 1002/ Source1 1003/ Waynesboro 1024/ Stiva 1155/ Cienega / Durango 1154/ Reynosa Plant 1: RY1/Reynosa Plant 2: RY2/ Juarez: JUA/ E2Open

28 Exceptions and Alerts Overview
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ Exceptions and Alerts Overview E2Open training Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’

29 E2Open Forecast – Exception Summary
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open Forecast – Exception Summary # Exception Name Description Alert Method Processes Required 1 New/Change Forecast New or Updated Forecast (least time- bucket with a quantity change) received from JCI My Workspace Forecast- Commit 2 Missing Supplier Commit Response Supplier has not provided Commits for the Forecast within the configurable response grace period 3 Forecast – Commit Mismatch Supplier’s Commit does not match the JCI’s Forecast 4 Cumulative Forecast – Commit Mismatch Supplier’s Cumulative Commit does not match JCI’s Cumulative Forecast 5 Cumulative Forecast – Evaluated Commit Mismatch Cumulative Evaluated Commit does not match JCI’s Cumulative Forecast Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

30 E2Open SA / SA – Firm Delivery Sched – Exception Summary
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open SA / SA – Firm Delivery Sched – Exception Summary # Exception Name Description Alert Method Processes Required 1 New/Changed Scheduling Agreement JCI has published a current version of the Scheduling Agreement in “Open” State . My workspace Scheduling Agreement 2 New/Changed SA – Firm Delivery Schedule JCI has published a current version of the SA – Firm Delivery Schedules in “New” State My Workspace SA – Firm Delivery Schedule 3 Order Past Due Alert – SA Once a SA – Firm Delivery Schedule is past due, an alert should be sent to the corresponding supplier user for a notification. 4 Missing SA – Firm Delivery Schedule Response Alert The Supplier has not responded to a new or changed SA – Firm Delivery Schedule with configurable Response Tolerance days Web Portal Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

31 E2Open Discrete Order – Exception Summary
Header - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open Discrete Order – Exception Summary # Exception Name Description Alert Method Processes Required 1 Request – Promise Quantity Mismatch Request Quantity does not match the Promise Quantity My Workspace Discrete Order 2 Request – Promise Date Mismatch Request Date does not match the Promise Date 3 Request – Shipped Quantity Mismatch Request Quantity does not match the Shipped Quantity Shipment 4 Request – Received Quantity Mismatch Request Quantity does not match the Received Quantity Receipt 5 Order Line Price and Item Unit Price Mismatch Order Line Price does not match the customer/supplier/item unit buy price. 6 Missing Discrete Order Order Response The Supplier has not responded to a new or changed Blanket Order within the configurable Response Tolerance days Web Portal 7 Order Past Due Alert – Discrete Once a Discrete Order is past due, an alert should be sent to the corresponding supplier user for a notification. Footer - Use 'Insert >Header & Footer' to modify this text and ‘Apply to all’ E2Open

32 HyperCare call in 9:00-11:00 am CST Every Wednesday & Friday
E2Open On boarding Team HyperCare call in 9:00-11:00 am CST Every Wednesday & Friday Passcode: # April 2018


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