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Boyce Thompson Institute

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1 Boyce Thompson Institute
MusaBase Update Lukas Mueller Guillaume Bauchet Nicolas Morales Boyce Thompson Institute Ithaca, NY

2 What is Musabase? Global Banana Breeding Database
Track information in breeding programs Management of Accessions, Pedigrees, Trials, Phenotypic information, Images, and Genotypic Information A site for the breeding community

3 Why MusaBase? Modern breeding methods are data-centric
Data management a priority Database at center of breeding process Data sharing All data are freely available (with license) Digital Ecosystem - data never leaves electronic format

4 Database current pipeline and tools
+CIPcross Musabase MUSABASE

5 Data Capture Fieldbook App on Android Tables (WP1-2) OpenODK (WP4)

6 Musabase trainings -> On site trainings for each main research station: WP1 ( UG, TZ) and WP2 ( UG, last week) -> Data managers: Veronica Frank and Ringo Sifuel (Arusha), Violet Akesh (Sendusu) IITA Arusha (WP1) IITA/NARO Uganda (WP1) IITA Uganda (WP2) MUSABASE

7 Musabase data: update Accessions: Current trials data:
WP : -Drought tolerance Arusha -16HeterosisSendusu -Trial_GS_Mbarara WP4 2016: -Mbeya Banana Trait Ontology -270 traits MUSABASE

8 New Features MusaBase uses the same software as Cassavabase - Synergies in database development Cassavabase has been developed for several years Many new features have been added in the past year

9 Trial Design Trial Design: Support for nurseries
Physical Design upload and online editing Plant-level phenotyping Each plant on a plot is a separate entity in the database that can be associated with phenotypic scores. Plot-level scores are calculated from plant scores

10 Crossing Manager Improved Crossing Manager Now supports multicross
polycross reciprocal crosses

11 Trial Comparison Trial Comparison

12 Barcoding Support for barcodes in field book and database- direct phenotyping Support for 2-D barcodes Improved barcode printing Soon: interface for portable barcode printers

13 Barcode example

14 Database-direct Phenotyping
Use Musabase website directly in the field from tablet new interfaces emulate field book interface requires tablet with cellular data, cellular data plan, and cellular signal at field tablet: read plot barcodes, automatically open phenotyping page on Musabase

15 Database-direct phenotyping

16 Trait Ontology update About 270 terms in ontologies
WP1 and WP2 use different ontology than WP4 At last annual meeting: Session led by Guillaume to reconcile the two trait ontologies (IITA and Bioversity), continued efforts throughout the year Difficult to reconcile Example finger diameter, measured in cm or in mm?

17 New trait ontology proposal
All terms are in a common trait ontology Two different sets of variable lists1 are generated IITA variables Bioversity variables 1 variables are traits with method and scale

18 Post-Composing Terms Post-composing of terms allows terms from different ontologies to be combined For example Ontology 1: Describes different cycles Ontology 2: Describes different traits Combined Ontology: Describes cycles and traits

19 Crossing Data Capture Different systems are being developed by different programs in the RTB. Would be preferable to standardize on one system

20 Crossing Management System Parents Identification
CIPCROSS tool CIPCROSS is an application to collect information on crosses, will be used by Yam breeding program Crossing Management System Parents Identification 45 days Leaves Samples (PSTVd & PVT) Cross-Breeding (Hybridization)

21 Android Fieldbook App NextGen Cassava has adapted the Fieldbook phenotyping app for crossing data collection

22 Musabase trainings -> On site trainings for each main research station: WP1 ( UG, TZ) and WP2 ( UG, last week) -> Data managers: Veronica Frank and Ringo Sifuel (Arusha), Violet Akesh (Sendusu) IITA Arusha (WP1) IITA/NARO Uganda (WP1) IITA Uganda (WP2) MUSABASE

23 Musabase perspectives
Short term (1 month): -> Release of the final Ontology version (PostComposing) -> Welcome Margaret (IITA Nairobi) -> Need for germplasm name harmonization Mid term (2-6 months): -> Increase effort on data upload (WP2-WP4) -> integration of CIPcross and SmartODK -> Inclusion of new project partners (India, Malaysia) -> data managers to get more in depth training? -> banana breeding legacy data: shall we “digitize” it? MUSABASE

24 Musabase contacts -> User accounts
-> Mailing list -> Tutorials MUSABASE

25 AKNOWLEDGEMENTS Guillaume Bauchet Bryan Ellerbrock Naama Menda Nick
Morales Lukas Mueller Alex Ogbonna Isaak Tecle Titima Tantikanjana

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