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University of Wisconsin at Madison

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1 University of Wisconsin at Madison
Migration to SL5 James Bellinger University of Wisconsin at Madison 31-Mar-2010 31-Mar-2010 1

2 100K Test Status: migrate Simona ran on 12 files on the ILC machines Built own ProductionExe I ran on 22 files on Wisconsin machines Build own ProductionExe on SL4, default on SL5 Compared results of default vs mine on one file on SL5 PAD files same size Stntuple files different sizes (?) Histograms bin-wise identical Comparison br042ecb.03b7phys histo files SL5 hers vs mine: identical SL4 hers vs mine: identical SL3 hers vs mine: not identical, bin shift 31-Mar-2010

3 100K Test Status: migrate Ray compared 2.2M SL3/SL4 vs SL4/SL4 Build/Run of ProductionExe Most not identical Pass KM test at 5 9’s My comparisons found Half files not identical Almost all histos pass KM test at 8 9’s Simona’s comparisons (subset of mine, we mostly agree) Most identical Handful fail to pass at 6 9’s Build3/Run3 100K Build3/Run4 10K Build3/Run5 10K Build4/Run4 100K Build4/Run5 10K Build5/Run5 100K 31-Mar-2010

4 Details of a Difference

5 Comparing plots directly
Bin shifts This passes KM test at 8 9’s 31-Mar-2010

6 Another difference LumMon/event_1 31-Mar-2010 Bin shifts

7 Bottom Line Can you spot the difference? Almost every histogram
difference is invisible. 31-Mar-2010

8 Proposal If we agree that
6.1.4mc.migrate deemed satisfactory 6.1.6.migrate results deemed satisfactory Create 6.1.4m.m, m, m releases for announcement on Monday If we want a 1M SL5 run, can we have that by Monday and schedule a phone meeting? 31-Mar-2010

9 The future Terminal Release OS migration Maintenance 31-Mar-2010

10 Terminal Release: Contains
Xrootd support New root: Series 4 or 5? (5 is ambitious) Some reworking of Event display 64-bit addressing Joint Production/MonteCarlo release New tracking available as option Fixes required by physics groups New MC engines? Rest of list: me with other items 31-Mar-2010

11 Terminal Release: Target
CDF to take data for no more than 3 more years Declining manpower already Mature analyses: not eager to revalidate on new releases No software changes likely after data taking stops If we want terminal release to be used, probably no later than 1 year from now better if this year. 31-Mar-2010

12 Future OS Migration 3 years + N-year trailing off of analyses
Probably at least one more OS update on the farms How hard will new migration be? Lynn has modernized the tools: (month less) Bugs in compiler are wild card Monte carlo validation is tricky Need physics group volunteers earlier Maybe 2 months or less? 31-Mar-2010

13 Timeline Today 31-Mar-2010 3-Apr?

14 Sub-projects 1’st pass OK Issue/Question Required for vertical test
Sub-projects Issue/Question Required for vertical test Remote tests release # Status Who Comments 2M Validate SL3R4 vs SL4R4 DONE Culbertson No SL5 yet 100K Validate diagonal of matrix YES YES: 616 Done? S.Rolli, J.Bellinger Disagree in detail, Agree no significant differences 10K Validate off- diagonal of matrix YES: 6.1.6 S.Rolli TopNtuple creation ???: 616 Stalled Sasha G? Hyunsu Lee? 1’st pass OK TopNtuple validate ??? 616 In progress Hyunsu?, Rolli PerfiDia suite Validate MC matrix YES: 614mc Costas Looks good Check ProductionExe ???: 614mc in progress Bellinger Not needed? Document migrate NO YES: all pending J.Bellinger Make /web page documentation of new release

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