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Computer Science 210 Computer Organization

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1 Computer Science 210 Computer Organization
Pointers and Dynamic Storage

2 Heap Allocation and Deallocation
The C programmer must run functions to allocate and deallocate memory for dynamic storage (referenced by pointers) malloc allocates a block of storage from the heap free returns storage to the heap

3 Declare a Pointer to an int
int *intPtr; The variable is uninitialized and contains garbage, but it can point to an int eventually intPtr

4 Declare and Initialize to NULL
#include <stdio.h> int *intPtr = NULL; // NULL is the same as 0 The variable is initialized to the NULL pointer, which can now be accessed intPtr

5 Declare and Initialize with malloc
#include <stdlib.h> int *intPtr = malloc(sizeof(int)); malloc expects an integer representing the size of the storage needed The sizeof function takes a type as an argument and returns the number of bytes needed for a value of that type malloc returns a pointer to the first byte of the storage The variable now points to a new storage area for an int, but this storage contains garbage intPtr

6 Access via Dereference with *
#include <stdlib.h> int *intPtr = malloc(sizeof(int)); (*intPtr) = 69; printf("%d\n", *intPtr); The * operator accesses the cell pointed to The pointer must point to a cell * has a lower precedence than = The variable now points to storage that has a program-supplied value intPtr 69

7 Return the Storage with free
#include <stdlib.h> int *intPtr = malloc(sizeof(int)); (*intPtr) = 69; printf("%d\n", *intPtr); free(intPtr); The storage is still accessible, but might be taken for other applications (also called a dangling pointer reference) The variable still points to storage, which might be used by others intPtr 69

8 Reset the Pointer to null
#include <stdlib.h> int *intPtr = malloc(sizeof(int)); (*intPtr) = 69; printf("%d\n", *intPtr); free(intPtr); intPtr = NULL; Clean up by setting the pointer to NULL or to other storage The variable now has no dangling pointer intPtr 69

9 Be Careful of Memory Leaks!
#include <stdlib.h> int *intPtr = malloc(sizeof(int)); (*intPtr) = 69; printf("%d\n", *intPtr); intPtr = NULL; In this case, the storage cannot be accessed by the program, or by the heap manager, and will eventually result in heap underflow! Always free your own storage! intPtr 69

10 Nodes and Linked Structures
head data next data next size 2 Could be a linked stack How do we represent a node in C?

11 The C struct A struct is a data type that includes one or more named data fields Good for containing data of different types Like classes in Python or Java, but without the methods

12 Declare a Type and Two Variables
struct point{ int x, y; } p1, p2; p1 x Storage is automatically allocated when variables are declared y p2 x y

13 Initialize the Fields of p1
struct point{ int x, y; } p1, p2; p1.x = 44; p1.y = 55; p1 44 x The field selector (.) accesses a field for reference or assignment 55 y p2 x y

14 Copy p1 to p2 struct point{ int x, y; } p1, p2; p1.x = 44; p1.y = 55; p2 = p1; p1 44 x Unlike arrays, the contents of an entire struct can be assigned to another one 55 y p2 44 x 55 y

15 Variation Can declare the type, then the variables later struct point{
int x, y; }; struct point p1, p2; p1.x = 44; p1.y = 55; p2 = p1; p1 44 x Can declare the type, then the variables later 55 y p2 44 x 55 y

16 Create a Synonym with typedef
typedef struct point{ int x, y; } point_t; point_t p1, p2; p1.x = 44; p1.y = 55; p2 = p1; p1 44 x This synonym happens to be the same name as the name of the struct 55 y p2 44 x 55 y

17 Declare a Node Type typedef struct node{ int data; struct node *next; } node; typedef node* nodePtr; No storage yet, because no variables have been declared

18 Declare a Pointer Variable to a Node
typedef struct node{ int data; struct node *next; } node; typedef node* nodePtr; nodePtr ptr; ptr ptr contains garbage

19 Initialize It to a New Node
typedef struct node{ int data; struct node *next; } node; typedef node* nodePtr; nodePtr ptr = malloc(sizeof(node)); ptr malloc allocates storage for the entire node

20 Initialize the Node’s Contents
typedef struct node{ int data; struct node *next; } node; typedef node* nodePtr; nodePtr ptr = malloc(sizeof(node)); ptr->data = 69; ptr->next = NULL; ptr 69 The -> operator combines * (dereference) and . (field selection)

21 Define a Helper Function getNode
typedef struct node{ int data; struct node *next; } node; typedef node* nodePtr; nodePtr getNode(int data, nodePtr next){; nodePtr ptr = malloc(sizeof(node)); ptr->data = data; ptr->next = next; return ptr; } This function creates a new node, initializes its contents, and returns a pointer to it

22 Create a Linked Structure!
typedef struct node{ int data; struct node *next; } node; typedef node* nodePtr; nodePtr getNode(int data, nodePtr next){; nodePtr ptr = malloc(sizeof(node)); ptr->data = data; ptr->next = next; return ptr; } int i; nodePtr head = NULL; for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) head = getNode(i, head); head 3 2 1

23 The Header File for a Linked Stack
typedef struct node{ int data; struct node *next; } node; typedef node* nodePtr; typedef struct linkedStack{ int size; nodePtr top; } linkedStack; linkedStack newStack(); void push(linkedStack *stk, int data); int pop(linkedStack *stk); int size(linkedStack stk);

24 The Implementation linkedStack newStack(){ linkedStack stk; = NULL; stk.size = 0; return stk; } void push(linkedStack *stk, int data){ stk->top = getNode(data, stk->top); stk->size = stk->size + 1; int pop(linkedStack *stk){ int data = stk->top->data; nodePtr garbage = stk->top; stk->top = stk->top->next; free(garbage); stk->size = stk->size - 1; return data; int size(linkedStack stk){ return stk.size;

25 Using the Linked Stack #include <stdio.h> #include "stack.h"
int main(){ linkedStack stk = newStack(); int i; for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) push(&stk, i); printf("The stack has %d elements\n", size(stk)); while (size(stk) > 0) printf("Popping %d\n", pop(&stk)); }

26 Developing an Assembler in C
For Wednesday Developing an Assembler in C

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