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Digital Library Services staff | RLI-DLS Retreat | Jan. 11, 2010

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Library Services staff | RLI-DLS Retreat | Jan. 11, 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Library Services staff | RLI-DLS Retreat | Jan. 11, 2010
Coordination and Collaboration: Building a 21st-Century Digital Library Digital Library Services staff | RLI-DLS Retreat | Jan. 11, 2010 Iowa City Flood |

2 Digital Library Services, aughts-style (ca. 2005) 3 FTE
product: Iowa Digital Library production: in-house client: Libraries model: just in case Szathmary Recipe Pamphlets|

3 Digital Library Services, 2010 style 6 FTE (plus!)
products: Iowa Digital Library, Iowa Research Online, [e-Research projects] production: mainstreamed client: University model: just in time Editorial Cartoons of J.N. “Ding” Darling |

4 collaboration & project management

5 Collaborators Anthropology Art & Art History English Geosciences
President Vice President for Research VPR for Research in the Humanities Office of the State Archeologist Public Policy Center Vice President for Student Services Senior VP and Treasurer Risk Management Provost International Programs UIMA UI Press University Honors Program Graduate College Liberal Arts & Sciences VP for Medical Affairs Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology VP for Legal Affairs VP for Strategic Communication Alumni Association Center for Media Productions University Relations UITV Anthropology Art & Art History English Geosciences History Library Science Linguistics Music Political Science Psychology Collaborators

6 A couple of highlights…
Eve Drewelowe Digital Collection will launch in March and features personal papers, portraits, photographs, and sketchbooks Example of standard reformatting project, yet l-to-r employed & addition of SAAH images…completeness, user-driven, collaborative

7 IRO contains over 50 UI Press editions
Press online reference collection underway Exploring partnership for technical papers

8 Project management Identify Explore Plan Do Document Maintain

9 Reformatting (Scanning)
Some straightforward document scanning still done in DLS Preservation scans low volume journals (Iowa Alumni Pubs, Dada Surrealism) and brittle materials (Medieval Manuscripts, Pleyel Editions) High volume journals outsourced (Daily Iowan, Railroad Telegrapher, Wallace Papers) Audio and Video digitized by Center for Media Productions (formerly photography services) University of Iowa |

10 CONTENTdm ver.5, redesigned client
over 300,000 items in ~70 collections Audio/Video content delivered through ITS-designed flash player ver.6, no timeline and rumored to completely redo item viewer

11 Metadata coordination
Production Records created from scratch Primarily routed through CTS-ARC Migration Re-use existing data (e.g. in-house; MARC) Data manipulation assistance from Circulation Research Collections Images|

12 Highlights Iowa City Town and Campus Scenes Wallace Papers UIMA Finding aids Research Collections Images|

13 Iowa Research Online institutional repository and e-journal publishing service Involves collaborations with liaisons and departments, Centers/Institutes, and journal editors

14 Conference Management with IRO
Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates ( Midwest CONTENTdm Users Group Meeting ( academic conferences sponsored by a UI department, research unit, or center professional and scholarly society conferences organized by UI faculty and staff

15 Conference Management Services
Provide software demonstrations and training for conference managers Migrate past content into the system Assist with copyright guidelines Liaise with IRO customer support to offer custom-designed sites and custom metadata

16 Collaborating with UI Press
UI Press Digital Editions ( two series of digitized books in IRO UI Press Reference Collection of custom database applications

17 UI Press in IRO Iowa Short Fiction Award Singular Lives
(ir.uiowa/uipress_isfa) (ir.uiowa/uipress_sl) Over 50 fully indexed, freely downloadable PDFs of UI Press titles, many currently out of print under development: Iowa Poetry Prize Series

18 UI Press Reference Collection
The Biographical Dictionary of Iowa ( Partnered with Apps & Web Services to build freely available searchable database under development: The Vascular Plants of Iowa

19 support for e-research

20 Capturing Tweets: Exploring the Impact of Microblogging on Political Communication

21 ? queries

22 data queries

23 Questions? Editorial Cartoons of J.N. “Ding” Darling |

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