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Mechanical Functions.

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1 Mechanical Functions

2 Class Starter Give an example of a technical system and name some of it’s components (different parts that make it up). __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2) What would be the mechanical function of these different components? 3) What is a mechanical function?

3 Mechanical Functions Technical systems are made up of different components. Each component in a system plays an important role in the overall functioning of the system. The role played by a component in a technical system is called a mechanical function.

4 Basic Mechanical Functions
There are 2 types of basic mechanical functions: Links Guiding control

5 Links A link connects, fastens, or puts together two or more components of a technical object. Ex: nail, screw, nut, bolt, glue

6 Direct vs. Indirect Link
The link between 2 components in a technical system can be either direct or indirect. A direct link means that 2 parts connect to one another WITHOUT a 3rd linking component. An indirect link means that there is a linking component (glue, nail, screw, bolt, etc.) holding the 2 components together.

7 Direct or indirect link?

8 Guiding Control Guidance is the function of a part that directs another part along a specific path. Guidance dictates whether the motion is either rotational or translational

9 Rotational or translational guide?

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