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Title I, part A BOY Document Verification Meeting

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1 Title I, part A BOY Document Verification Meeting
November 7, 2014 MOC Foyer Hosted by: Alonda Jacks-Moorehead, LaTashia Abrams, and Nancy Gauthier

2 Verification expectations
Pair up with a SST from another campus. Legibly print your name on the label where it says Name of Campus SST and print your name and campus on the Binder/Portfolio Summary that is inside the folder. Then exchange folders with your partner. Your partner should legibly print his/her name and campus name on the label where it says Verified by and keep the folder. You will be responsible for verifying the documentation of your partner using the Binder/Portfolio Summary that is located in the folder. Use Post-It notes to label incomplete indicators. After verification is complete, you will return the folder with the completed Binder/Portfolio Summary to a Program Director.

3 TIA 1: Coordination and Integration
District Improvement Plan Budget Summary with Signatures Program & Activity Evaluation

4 TIA 5: Campus Parental Involvement Policy
Copy of Campus Parental Involvement Policy in English/Spanish/or other dominant language Documentation of Fall PAC Meeting Meeting announcement Agenda What is Title I? Review and discussion of Parental Involvement Policy Review and discussion of School-Parent Compact Sign-in Sheet Copy of presentation/handouts Minutes

5 TIA 5: Campus School-Parent Compacts
Sampling of signed School-Parent Compacts in English/Spanish/or other dominant language Documentation of Fall PAC Meeting Meeting announcement Agenda What is Title I? Review and discussion of Parental Involvement Policy Review and discussion of School-Parent Compact Sign-in Sheet Copy of presentation/handouts Minutes

6 TIA 7: Staff development for Parental Involvement/Engagement
Evidence that staff members were educated on how to work with parents Agenda/announcement Sign-in Sheet/return receipts Copy of presentation/handouts Minutes/reflections

7 TIA 8: Technical Assistance
Documentation received from Title I Program Directors Notice of meetings Meeting agendas Meeting reports Binder/Portfolio Summary

8 TIA 9: Language and form Sampling of documents sent home in English/Spanish/or other dominant language

9 What’s Coming UP? MOY Document Verification Meetings will be held during the month of December. These are individual meetings that you will sign up for via Sign-up Genius. A link will be sent out by your Title I PD prior to Thanksgiving Break. Review your At-a-Glance Document Collection Calendar so that you will be aware of what documentation will be collected. Contact your PD if you have any questions or need individualized assistance prior to your scheduled meeting in December.

10 In the meantime….

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