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Data needs for monitoring systemically important institutions

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Presentation on theme: "Data needs for monitoring systemically important institutions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data needs for monitoring systemically important institutions
Maarten Gelderman Head Macroprudential Analysis

2 What data do we need to form a better picture of the underlying health of systemically important financial institutions? What improvements in disclosure are needed to provide these data?

3 “Late” warning signals
Delinquencies Provisioning Risk weights Google trends and similar statistics

4 Risk drivers Build up of leverage Build up of mismatches
Build up of interlinkages/risk concentrations Herding Increasing reliance on bail-out Liquidity Solvency Reverse approach: return statistics?

5 Building up leverage Does not equal leverage ratio
Off balance Inherent leverage of instruments Trading book/hedges Leverage interacts with interlinkages Collateral Guarantees Gross exposure measures Indicators of “risk reduction” due to common factors Note: in the end leverage of the system is more relevant than leverage of individual institutions

6 Herding Underestimation of risk Underpricing of risk
Underpricing of liquidity Risk concentrations across balance sheets Note: market data may be used to support out case

7 An example Correlation moderate and stable Volatility low and stable

8 Reliance on bail-out Size/share of individual markets
Reductions in franchise value Composition of capital Interlinkages between financial institutions

9 Wrap-up Challenging View across institutions needed
View across assets (and other risk concentrations) needed View on markets needed?

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