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ECE Senior Design Project Workshop May xx, 201x

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Presentation on theme: "ECE Senior Design Project Workshop May xx, 201x"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE Senior Design Project Workshop May xx, 201x
Title of the Project Student Name 1 (EE or COE) Student Name 2 (EE or COE) Student Name 3 (EE or COE) Faculty Advisor Industry Mentor/Sponsor, company name (if any) ECE Senior Design Project Workshop May xx, 201x

2 Project objectives State the problem and the objective(s) of the project
Project significance What problem did you try to solve? What are potential applications? Whom it will help? Project novelty What have others done to solve this problem? Describe differences form exiting devices or technology

3 Approach, Methods and Procedures
Approach: How did you solve the problem and achieve the objectives? What did you design? Methods and Procedures – include: Block Diagram Circuit schematic (only if essential) Experimental set-up Algorithm (flow chart only) Pictures (if informative) Whatever else is applicable and important

4 Verification and validation
What was done to demonstrate that your approach worked and you accomplished (fully or partially?) your objectives. Testing, measurements and evaluations (include data you obtained). Specifications of your product (prototype) confirmed by testing, if applicable

5 BUDGET List actual cost of parts, components, and services (if applicable) Estimate value of donated parts and components (if applicable) Estimate of the cost on the market if the product was in production (optional)

6 Learning experience What did you learn doing the project?
What roadblocks and obstacles had to be overcome? What would you do it differently now? Note: it is OK to admit that you have not changed the world with this project, not achieved all objectives or modified them as you went along. Tell it as it is!

7 Future potential Potential for further development
Potential applications Potential market Prospect for a patent?

8 References List references that you used in your work or approach (including books, journals, vendor materials etc.)

9 Acknowledgements List faculty advisor, mentors, collaboration with industry or someone else (e.g. students outside your team). Any other acknowledgements of help from colleagues, faculty, others?

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