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Warm Up Growing Sequences Worksheet (from yesterday)

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1 Warm Up Growing Sequences Worksheet (from yesterday)

2 Homework Check – 5.2 1) Min = 85 Q1 = 90 Med = 100 Q3 = 112 Max = 120 2) g = 40 g = 10 games 2) Linear 3) Exponential 4) Exponential 5) Exponential 4) Exponential 5) Linear

3 Back to the Growing Sequences worksheet
What is the difference between an arithmetic and geometric sequence? What is the difference between a common ratio & a common difference? Which type of sequence does each go with? Arithmetic sequences are ___________ functions. Geometric sequences are ____________ functions. Complete Growing Sequences worksheet if necessary. Most of my kids finished and I was walking around checking answers. I have to finish #s 10 and 11 in class and I am going to wrap it up by asking these questions before moving on to the tables & graphs worksheet.


5 Investigating Sequences using Tables & Graphs
Unit 5, Day 3

6 The Ladybug Invasion As a biology project, Tamara is studying the growth of a ladybug population. She starts her experiment with 5 ladybugs. The next month she counts 15 ladybugs. 1) The ladybug population is growing arithmetically. How many beetles can Tamara expect to find after 2, 3, and 4 months? Write the sequence. 2) What is the common difference? 3) Now put the sequence into a table in the space below.

7 4) How long will it take the ladybug population to reach 200 if it is growing linearly?

8 5) Suppose the ladybug population is growing exponentially (geometrically). How many beetles can Tamara expect to find after 2, 3, and 4 months? Write the sequence. 6) What is the common ratio? 7) Now put the sequence into a table in the space below.

9 8) How long will it take the ladybug population to reach 200 if it is growing exponentially?
9) Why does it take the ladybug population longer to reach 200 when it grows linearly?

10 10) Graph both tables on the designated graphs provided below
10) Graph both tables on the designated graphs provided below. Be sure to label your axes Linear Growth Exponential Growth

11 QUIZ TIME! Clear your desk except for a pencil & calculator!

12 Homework Worksheet 5.3 due Monday! By Monday you should have a 3-ring binder, loose leaf paper and dividers for this class. Tutoring Tuesday in 2622 – sign up today or Monday!

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