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M&E at outcome & impact level in TU development work

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1 M&E at outcome & impact level in TU development work
Elewijt,Mechelen, June 2012 Huib Huyse (HIVA)

2 Part 1 Bridging the gap with the ILO DW indicators


4 DW =overall international framework Following up the bigger picture
Why focus on M&E of DW? DW =overall international framework Following up the bigger picture

5 What is the challenge with M&E of DW?
Buzzing about 3 statements: “The findings from ILO DW indicators in a country influences the selection of our projects” “We design our projects so that they contribute to the ILO DW indicators” “Our project impact indicators can be easily linked with the ILO DW indicators”

6 Key challenges in M&E of DCW
Examining causal linkages between outcome-impact Project logic vs national trends logic Consistent thematic logic vs comprehensive/holistic logic M&E > defining and measuring indicators

7 See table in guidance note
DCW indicator table See table in guidance note

8 4 working groups: each one DW area (20 min)
Is it usefull What is not clear or wrong? What is missing?

9 Part 2 Agenda & principles for M&E

10 Did you know?

11 Agenda: Why do we do M&E at outcome & impact level?
Buzzing on 3 statements “We manage to set-up M&E systems at outcome & impact level that satisfy most learning and accountability needs” “M&E is often reduced to reporting to satisfy donor requirements” “We focus more on the outcome level than the impact level because that’s were we think we will have most impact”

12 Balancing learning & accountability
Agenda: key ideas Balancing learning & accountability Hierarchy in learning needs: receiving partners/supporting partners/donors Hierarchy in accountability needs:workers/receiving partners/supporting partners/donors

13 Principles for M&E Building on local M&E practices and processes
Working towards an actor-based M&E system Avoiding the biological metaphor for M&E Taking into account democratic ownership Measuring contribution to the Decent Work Agenda Focusing on transparency and feedback Keeping it simple and flexible

14 Reviewing the 7 principles What is not clear or should be changed?
3 working groups (30 min) Reviewing the 7 principles What is not clear or should be changed? What is missing?

15 Part 3 Basic concepts for M&E

16 (1) Theory of change / contributing to change
Think about a situation where one of your development projects had a major impact/success: what happened ? how/why?

17 Usual perspective backdonor Supporting partner Activities Results
Outputs Outcomes Impact PM&E Receiving partner Project a in community x May 20, 2010

18 Very poor – poor – average – rich – very rich
backdonor Other TUs Other backdonors SupportingTU Receiving TU 1 Project c Project b TU 2 Project a Project c Project b TU 3 Project a Private initiatives Government Local State National Companies (e.g. telecom) Project c Project b Project a Community x Community x Very poor – poor – average – rich – very rich Natural Physical Economic Human Social Political Cultural Local influences National influences Global influences

19 Ripple model of change Project Team Project Project activities
Outcomes Direct target group Impact Indirect target group

20 Aggregating across projects and context
Why do we need to aggregate information? What kind of information can be aggregated?

21 Aggregating across projects and context (2)
Relevance depends on type of information (eg annual HTUR survey) Aggregation comes at a cost Resisting pressure from back donors “if you ask a stupid question, …”

22 We did 2/3 of the Guidance Note in one day!
Thank you! We did 2/3 of the Guidance Note in one day!

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