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Gone to Texas Start of Anglo Settlements

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1 Gone to Texas Start of Anglo Settlements
Chapter 8 Section 2, 3, 4

2 Moses Austin His vision was to bring 300 families to Texas to start a colony (11/1820) Wanted to charge fees to settle to regain his wealth Met with Mexican officials to pledge loyalty, become a Spanish citizen and vow to protect Texas

3 Erasmo Seguin Was a rancher and the alcalde of San Antonio de Bexar
Served as the Texas representative in the Mexican government Helped write the Mexican Constitution of 1824

4 Stephen F. Austin Met with Mexican officials and Seguin to carry out his father’s wishes, needed a new contract Chose the land between Lavaca and San Jacinto Rivers for his colony Recruited 300 families in 1821 Each household would get 640 acres (more if you provided services or tools) Have to pay a fee of 12.5 cents per acre (rates were $1.25 per acre in U.S.)

5 Problems Arise Needed a contract from the Mexican government Drought
Karankawa and Tonkawa were raiding Patience is Key! His contract was approved and he set up a government, as well as a militia

6 Old 300 First 300 families recruited by Austin
Comprised of farmers and ranchers, some were well educated and some were slaveholders Most famous? Jane Long! The “Mother of TX” was a landholder in Austin’s colony Created the first ANGLO colony in Texas!!!

7 Location, Location, Location!
Between the Lavaca and San Jacinto Rivers Along the Colorado River 11 million acres on Gulf Coast Plain, mild climate Game was plentiful, settlers and supplies could arrive by ship San Felipe became the capital in 1824

8 Reasons and Requirements
Reasons for Moving to Texas Chance to own land for their family Offered a fresh start in a new place Requirements for Living in Mexico Had to have good character (hardworking and law-abiding) Had to agree to become Catholic Had to become a Mexican citizen

9 Mexican Federal Constitution of 1824
Was a result of Mexican Independence in 1821 Established a State’s Rights (a Republic) government Set up a national government that shared with 4 state governments, headed by a president Placed Texas within the Coahuila y Texas Mexican state Erasmo Seguin was our representative. He fought hard against being a state, fearing that our rights would be overlooked!

10 State Colonization Law of 1825
Before U.S. immigrants could NOT establish colonies -- was to protect Mexico Wanted protection from Natives, increase in land values and new markets Awarded land grants of 67,000 acres to Austin and other Empresarios SPARKED mass immigration to Texas!

11 Slavery Of the first 1,790 settlers in Austin’s colony 440 were enslaved African Americans Starting to become a major point of conflict! Success of the cotton industry depending on it, but Tejano leaders didn’t want to introduce slave to the Texas economy As immigration from the U.S. continued, unfortunately so did the increase in slavery

12 Empresarios Green DeWitt
2nd most important Empresario in Texas (behind Stephen F. Austin) Founded a colony southwest of Austin’s in Gonzales, TX Was allowed to bring 400 families, but only settled 166 successfully (had 525 people thriving by 1831) Martin DeLeon Settled 200 families between the Lavaca and Guadalupe Rivers Founded the town of Victoria Heavily influenced the cattle and ranching industry His colony was the only one made up of primarily Mexican settlers

13 1834 = 24, 700 Settlers Empresario Success!!!


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