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Existential Therapy (MAY AND FRANKL).

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Presentation on theme: "Existential Therapy (MAY AND FRANKL)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Existential Therapy (MAY AND FRANKL)

2 What’s It All About?

3 Major Influences Kierkegaard Nietzsche - Sartre Camus
Kierkegaard - Angst, create oneself Nietzsche – “free rein” given free will we will realize our creativity and originality. Sartre – every moment determines who we are

4 Basic Assumptions The focus is on the human condition (death & aloneness) Attitudinal or philosophical approach that stresses understanding of the person Freedom of choice Responsibility with choices

5 Basic Assumptions Existential anxiety and existential guilt
The quest for meaning (absence of meaning leads to the existential vacuum which can lead to nihilism)

6 Perspective On Assessment
Done basically on an informal basis with an emphasis on understanding the client’s basic subjective assumptions concerning life.

7 Therapeutic Goals & Procedures
Expand self-awareness Increase potential choices To become free and responsi-ble A phenomenalogical process Emphasis on the relationship (“i- thou”)

8 Goals And Procedures A need for complete honesty on both the client’s part but also on the counselor’s part. Authenticity (being fully aware of the moment, choosing to live in the moment, and taking responsibility for the choice)

9 Goals And Procedures Less emphasis on techniques
Attending and active listening Commitment Paradoxical intention (logotherapy)

10 Logotherapy-viktor Frankl
Man’s search for meaning

11 Quotes From “Man’s Search For Meaning”
“…Everything can be taken from a person but one thing: the last of the human freedoms-to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”-Frankl “There is only one thing that i dread: not to be worthy of my sufferings.”-Dostoevski

12 Quotes “Without suffering and death human life cannot be complete.”-Frankl “He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how.”-Nietzsche “That which does not kill me, makes me stronger.”-Nietzsche

13 Basic Assumptions Logo- study,word, spirit,god, meaning
Freud-will to pleasure Adler-will to power or superiority Frankl-will to meaning Noodynamics(anxiety good) vs psychodynamics (anxiety bad)

14 Assumptions Continued
Existential vacuum- meaninglessness (sunday neurosis)- passive entertainment

15 Finding Meaning Experential values (experiencing something or someone)
Creative values (doing a deed) Attitudinal values (finding meaning in suffering)

16 Finding Meaning Super-meaning (the ultimate meaning in life, meaning that is not dependent upon others, projects, or suffering and dignity. Refers to spirituality/faith.)

17 Cause & Treatment Of Anxiety
Anticipatory anxiety Hyperintention (trying too hard i.E. Insomnia) Hyperreflection (thinking too hard i.E. Self-fulfilling prophecy.) Paradoxical intention

18 Cause & Treatment Dereflection (getting out of oneself)

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