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Pediatric Genitourinary Trauma

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1 Pediatric Genitourinary Trauma
M. Penque, MD Dec 2014

2 PEM Boards Genitourinary System Trauma
a. Etiology b. Pathophysiology Understand the importance of the mechanism of injury and pelvic trauma in evaluating genitourinary tract damage c. Recognition Recognize the signs and symptoms of urethral trauma Recognize the signs and symptoms of genitourinary trauma Recognize the signs and symptoms of bladder trauma Recognize common patterns and mechanisms of pelvic injury d. Management Plan the management of a child with post-traumatic hematuria Plan the diagnostic evaluation and the management of a patient with genitourinary trauma Plan the management of a patient with bladder trauma e. Ancillary Studies Recognize the importance of and limitations of urinalysis, intra- venous pyelography, ultrasonography, and computed tomography in assessing genitourinary injuries

3 GU trauma Kidney Ureter Bladder Urethra Study Imaging Nasty Zippers Conclusion

4 In a patient with multisystem injuries, GU trauma is ____________ in frequency??
First Second Fifth Sixth

5 10% of trauma pts will have a UG injury
SECOND Only to CNS trauma (shocking, I know!) 10% of trauma pts will have a UG injury

6 90% are from BLUNT injury (vs . penetrating and Iatrogenic)
crush acceleration/deceleration MVC/peds falls sports related

7 The most common urinary tract injury is to the….
Kidney Ureter Bladder Urethra Boy parts

8 11_Genitourinary Injuries
Kidney Trauma! Occurs in 8-10% of patients with abdominal trauma Most common organ damaged by blunt trauma in the pediatric population Accounts for 50% of all GU trauma Blunt mechanism is the cause of 70-80% of all traumatic injuries to the kidney Co-existing injury will occur in 14-34% of cases Direct blow to back, flank, upper abdomen Suspect in Fx of 10th - 12th ribs or T12, L1, L2 Acceleration/Deceleration Shearing of renal artery/vein STN E-Library 2012

9 Who is more likely to sustain a kidney injury
Who is more likely to sustain a kidney injury??the big guy or the little guy??

10 Poor Elf….WHY??

11 In KIDS the kidney: -is larger in proportion to the size of the abdomen -retains fetal lobations -easier paranchymal disruption -has less protection -weaker ab muscles -less ossified thoracic cage -less perirenal fat and fascia

12 Most Common Renal Injuries
Parenchymal contusions and hematomas (60-90%) Lacerations are less common (10%)

13 Renal trauma - Presentation
Localized signs: flank tenderness, flank hematoma, or palpable flank mass. Non specific: Abdominal tenderness, rigidity, paralytic ileus or hypovolemic shock Gross hematuria is the hallmark of severe injury: BUT absent in 50% of patients with vascular pedicle injuries and 30% penetrating injuries talk about this later

14 11_Genitourinary Injuries
Assessment Inspection Palpation Percussion What Sign is This??? Your examination of the patient will include inspecting for the following: Bruising, ecchymosis, bleeding on abdomen, flank, pelvic and perineal areas Abdomen: Flat or distended Any signs of external injury including complex, open pelvis fractures; number of GSW or stabbing; impaled objects, Seat belt injury (from blunt trauma), Gunshot or stab wounds (from penetrating trauma) Grey Turner’s sign – ecchymosis over the posterior aspect of the eleventh or twelfth rib or the flank may indicate renal trauma or retroperitoneal bleeding Percussion of abdomen and flank area for hyerpressonance and dullness. Hyperresonance indicates air Dullness indicates fluid accumulation Percussion tenderness constitutes a peritoneal sign and mandates further evaluation. STN E-Library 2012

15 A. Cullen’s Sign B. Grey Turner’s Sign C. Stop Sign

16 Grey Turner’s Sign ecchymosis over the posterior aspect of the 11th-12th rib or the flank Described as sign in acute pancreatitis but may indicate renal trauma or retroperitoneal bleeding

17 Classification of renal trauma
Grade l: Contusion or subcapsular nonexpanding hematoma Grade II: Nonexpanding hematoma confined to the retroperitoneum or lac <1 cm Grade III: Lac >1 cm into the renal cortex without collecting system rupture or urinary extravasation

18 Grade 1,2 and 3 renal injuries

19 Classification of renal trauma (con’t)
Grade IV : Lac extending into the collecting system or renal vascular injuries with contained hemorrhage Grade V : Shattered kidneys or avulsions of renal hilum with devascularized kidneys These are the ones we really worry about but make up only 3% of all renal injuries…phew!

20 Grade 4 and 5 injuries

21 Renal Trauma Management
11_Genitourinary Injuries Renal Trauma Management Grade III: usually resolve spontaneously; at greater risk for delayed hemorrhage so monitor more closely Grade I/II: conservative management Monitor H/H, renal fxt and hemodynamic stablity, bed rest, pain control similar to liver/spleen lac treatment plans Grade I-II injuries usually are managed non-operatively; monitoring of renal function and hemodynamic stability is essential. Non-operative management for renal trauma is similar to that of splenic and liver management. It includes but is not limited to: Frequent monitoring of vital signs and hematocrit Reassessment of abdomen a(pt should be alert and cooperative during abdominal and flank examinations) Bed rest with a gradual increase in activity and diet Pain control STN E-Library 2012

22 11_Genitourinary Injuries
Renal Trauma Grade IV & V: Shattered kidneys may be removed to control hemorrhage Kidneys with pedicle injuries may be removed but non-removal does not routinely result in late sequelae (i.e. pain, HTN) Grades III, IV, and V injuries are considered major renal injuries. Kidney function is threatened by nephron damage or accumulation of free urine and blood in collecting ducts and around the kidney. Grade III injuries may be treated with non-operative management depending on how the patient is clinically . They are at risk for delayed hemorrhage and need to be close monitoring, bed rest and a slow return to physical activity until healed. Grade III: The shattered kidney that is able to demonstrate perfusion and requires minimal transfusion may be repaired. Embolization is being utilized more and more with this injuries with mixed results. Image is of shattered kidney STN E-Library 2012

23 11_Genitourinary Injuries
Grade IV and V Injuries Renal damage Partial nephrectomy Renorrhaphy Nephrectomy Renovascular Injury Shattered kidney, renal pedicle damage Intimal tears-thrombosis in renal pedicle Grade IV and V injury usually requires surgical intervention due to hemorrhage. Every effort should be made to preserve the kidney if possible. Partial nephrectomy - performed when there is damage to upper and lower pole. Renorrhaphy – performed when there is damage to midportion. Nephrectomy – before one considers performing a nephrectomy one must evaluate the function of uninjured kidney first. Renal trauma results in a 20-43% incidence of the patient requiring a nephrectomy. If a nephrectomy needs to be done, a one-shot IVP should be done to ensure that there is a second kidney present and that it is functioning. If the contra lateral kidney does not function properly, efforts should be made to preserve renal function. Renovascular injury – repair is essential to prevent ischemia, necrosis, loss of function. Grade IV injuries involve the pedicle or vascular injury and require surgical repair. In the higher graded injuries, devitalized renal tissue is a common result despite appropriate interventions. When devitalized (necrotic) tissue develops, the patient has a 85% chance of serious complications such as an urinoma, or an abscess developing in the pancreas or small bowel. Any devitalized tissue needs to be removed surgically to improve the outcome. Image is of bullet in kidney. STN E-Library 2012

24 Renal Trauma Complications
11_Genitourinary Injuries Renal Trauma Complications Minor Trauma Sepsis Decreased H/H Expanding perirenal mass Hemodynamic instability Major Trauma Abscess/urinomas Sepsis Fistula Renal atrophy Rhabdomyolysis/myoglobinuria Renal HTN Renal Failure Blunt trauma cases usually have more issues than penetrating cases because the penetrating cases have had a surgical intervention and structures have been visualized Examples of common complications seen with minor renal trauma are the following. 5% require surgical exploration due to an expanding perirenal mass or hemodynamic instability There are rare incidences of sepsis, loss of renal function, and hemorrhage. Examples of some common complications seen with major renal trauma are: Abscesses to pancreas and small bowel. Sepsis from infections, abscesses, UTI, polynephritis Fistulas to almost any part of the abdomen or pelvis Urinomas: Grade III and IV renal injuries are associated with urinomas (a cyst filled with urine). They are caused by the extravasation of urine during the injury. Percutaneous drainage is essential to prevent further injury to the renal collecting ducts. Usually during surgery for Grade IV and V injuries, drainage of any urinomas is done. Persistent extravasation of urine is a problems that can result in sepsis. Renal atrophy, Urethral stricture and obstructive hydronephrosis and loss of renal function are all complications that can occur. They are rare but they can occur up to 4 weeks after injury. Rhabdomyolysis/myoglobinuria is a complication that can occur with burns, orthopedic/soft tissue damage, crush injuries, patients who were immobile for long periods of time. It will be discussed more in detail in the burn lecture. It is discussed briefly here since it can contribute to renal failure. STN E-Library 2012

25 Ureter Trauma RARE <1% of all urologic trauma
Blunt trauma usually involves the UPJ trunk hyperextention Suspect if fracture of the transverse process of lumbar vertebra Stab wounds rarely cause ureteral injury, but 50% of GSW to abdomen have injury to the ureter

26 Ureter trauma: Diagnosis
difficult >50% not diagnosed in 1st 24h PE may be unremarkable, urinalysis normal in 30% Delayed diagnosis may manifest as fever, chills, lethargy, leukocytosis, pyuria, bacteriuria, flank mass/pain, fistulas, strictures

27 Ureter trauma imaging CT and IVP can show extravasation but have
low sensitivity (33%) Retrograde pyelogram may be more reliable

28 Ureter Trauma Management
11_Genitourinary Injuries Ureter Trauma Management OR Ureterostomy Irrigation and Drainage Antibiotics Stenting Stab wound and iatrogenic traumatic injuries are taken to the Operating Room due to need for minor debridement and suture approximation GSW and blast injuries can cause microvascular deficits and produce delayed necrosis and extravasation Ureter transection requires surgical repair and ureterostomy to divert urine flow, wound irrigation, competent drainage and prophylactic antibiotic Internal stenting is usually done for those injuries that have the potential to be complicated by contamination, ischemia or associated vascular injury STN E-Library 2012

29 Bladder Trauma Fun Facts
Blunt trauma secondary to MVC is most common cause Full bladder will increase risk of injury (pee 1st!!) 80% of injuries associated with pelvic fracture (penetrated by bony fragment) 10% of pelvic fx with bladder injury Kids more susceptible because of higher abd location

30 Bladder trauma: Diagnosis
>90% with bladder rupture have gross hematuria Diagnostic evaluation is indicated in patients who sustain pelvic or lower abdominal trauma with gross hematuria inability to void abnormal GU exam multiple associated injuries

31 Evaluation of bladder trauma
Pelvic X-rays Retrograde cystogram High suspicion and normal X-rays **No cath if blood at the urethral meatus or high-riding prostate CT cystography is recommended over plain cystogram…new trend and eval other injuries Why not just a contrast CT since you’re probably getting one anyway??

32 Standard Helical CT in bladder rupture
Pao et al. Acad Radiol 2000. With IV contrast Misses bladder rupture 100% sensitive if “free fluid” criteria used. Can R/O bladder injury if NO free fluid. Not specific. Not accepted as diagnostic tool. - Some people thought: « Well, if we’re gonna do a CT for abdominal injury, maybe it will pick up bladder injuries as well ». Pao et al. Utility of routine trauma CT in the detection of bladder rupture. Acad Radiol 2000; 7:

33 Management of bladder injuries
Extra peritoneal (assoc w/ pelvic fx) Contusion = conservative management, +/- catheter Manage with urethral cath or suprapubic drainage for 7-10 days. Large tear = OR Intraperitoneal - Go to OR. Combined(GSW) – Go to OR

34 Urethral trauma Mechanisms More common in males Urethral injuries MVC
straddle injuries Instrumentation More common in males Urethral injuries Anterior: Pendulous and Bulbar Posterior: Membranous and Prostatic


36 Blunt Anterior Urethral trauma
Pendulous (penile) urethrea: direct trauma Bulbar urethra : straddle injury vs pubic symphasis Blood at the urethral meatus is present in 90% of anterior injuries = DO NOT CATH!! inability/difficulty voiding possible Retrograde urethrogram is diagnostic Tx: 7-10 days of cath + plus antibiotics…if severe they need diversion Severe injuries need urinary diversion

37 Posterior Urethral Trauma
Occur with severe trauma and are associated with other injuries (pelvic fx) Signs are blood at the meatus, hematuria, perineal ecchymosis (butterfly hematoma), inability/difficulty voiding Retrograde urethrogram Higher rate of complications Ct scan not useful for urethral injuries Initial management is controversial…they vary from immediate exploration to placement of tube with delayed urethroplasty

38 Butterfly Hematoma Anterior urethral rupture through Buck’s fascia confined by Colles’ fascia.

39 J Pediatr Surg. 1996 Jan;31(1):86-9
Indicators of genitourinary tract injury or anomaly in cases of pediatric blunt trauma. Abou-Jaoude WA1, Sugarman JM, Fallat ME, Casale AJ. 1Department of Surgery, University of Louisville School of Medicine, KY, USA.

40 PURPOSE: What factors warrant evalutaion of the GU tract in trauma?? METHODS: -Retrospective chart review -100 patients <18 years with discharge diagnosis in the trauma registry included hematuria or GU tract injury -Looked at age, sex, mechanism of injury, physical findings, associated injuries, urinalysis results, radiographic study results, disposition, and outcome

41 RESULTS: -Majority=MVA -27 with GU injuries (9 contusions, 5 lacerations, 1 vascular pedicle injury, 4 bladder injuries, 3 urethral/vaginal tears, 5 anomalies) -about 25% of minor or major GU injuries had only MICROSCOPIC hematuria (<20 rbc/hpf) Mechanism of injury and hypotenison were NOT associated with GU tract injury 1/3 with isolated chest or abdominal injuries, and 50% of those with combined chest/abdominal injuries had GU tract injuries or anomalies identified Pelvic fracture was associated with GU tract injury or anomaly in 50% of cases (P < 0.02).

42 CONCLUSION: Gross hematuria as an indication for radiograph evaluation would have missed 28% of cases with GU tract injuries or anomalies in peds pelvic fractures and abdominal/chest injuries help to identify patients who require evaluation of the GU tract

43 Imaging GU trauma CT w/ IV contrast (or MRI) vs IVP as initial test
Cystogram (CT cystography) After initial eval Retrograde urethrography ?U/S

44 Imaging GU trauma IVP vs CT
11_Genitourinary Injuries Imaging GU trauma IVP vs CT preferred imaging is CT w/contrast Highly sensitive and specific (staging) Extravasation of contrast-enhanced urine See other injuries IVP Used to be intial exam of choice. Very poor sensitivity for penetrating injury Limitation in staging renal injuries Not 1st choice anymore. Only if pt unstable Computerized tomography scan provides the most precise delineation of GU injury as CT imaging is both sensitive and specific and can accurately delineate segmental and arterial injuries. For stable patients, renal injury can be most accurately and completely imaged and staged using computed tomography (CT). CT imaging has largely replaced the once standard IVU and arteriography and has completely replaced arteriography in the acute setting. Renal artery occlusion and global renal infarct are noted on CT scans by lack of parenchymal enhancement or a persistent cortical rim sign but it is usually not seen until at least 8 hours after injury. Helical CT scanners have improved imaging over the past few years. Turnaround times are about 10 minutes for an abdominal trauma scan CT cystogram - One minute to 90 seconds before initiating helical CT scanning, intravenous contrast can be administered for evaluating the arterial and cortical phases which help delineate any renal artery injury, but the early cortical phase still misses parenchymal injuries and delayed images are needed to detect these injuries, venous injuries as well as urine and blood extravasation. One can distinguish the two in that urine extravasation accumulates whereas blood dilutes out after bolus stopped. Advantages Reveals functional and anatomic assessment of the kidneys and urinary tract Establishes the presence or absence of 2 functional kidneys Assists in the diagnosis of concurrent injuries. Disadvantages Requires intravenous contrast in order to maximize imaging The patient must be stable enough to go to the scanner Timing of contrast and scanning in order to view the bladder and ureters is important. STN E-Library 2012

45 11_Genitourinary Injuries
IVP One shot to see if there’s a 2nd kidney before emergency surgery in an unstable patient IVP If emergency surgery or interventional radiology is to be done, a one-shot IVP can be done to ensure that there is a second kidney present and that it is functioning. If the contralateral kidney does not function properly, efforts should be made to preserve renal function. Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) – detects 80% of renal injuries. It should only be used as an alternative when CT is unavailable. It detects extravasation of the contrast media into surrounding tissues which indicates a disruption in the integrity of the kidney, ureters or bladder. A one-shot IVP may be valuable pre or during surgery to evaluate for pedicle injury and excretion of the contralateral kidney. For a satisfactory study, a systolic blood pressure above 90 mm Hg is needed. In order to save time, the contrast can be injected at the time of the initial resuscitation. Unstable patients who are emergently taken to the operating room, should be stabilized first and undergo one-shot IVU in the operating room once they are stabilized. Ultrasound has proven useful and reliable for evaluating blunt intra-abdominal injuries by detecting the presence of hemoperitoneum. It is used to direct patients to CT imaging when hemoperitoneum is noted and to observation in those with negative findings. STN E-Library 2012

46 Cystogram Normal Bladder rupture

47 Retrograde Urethrogram
Use to evaluate for urethral injuries if there is blood at the urinary meatus or high riding prostate

48 Retrograde Urethrogram

49 RUG normal type III urethral tear at the urogenital diaphragm (solid arrow) and a type IV urethral disruption at the bladder neck (dashed arrow).

50 Ultrasound U/S exam of the bladder may reveal free abdominal fluid in the case of an intraperitoneal bladder injury, but cannot differentiate urine from blood. So, FAST examination is less reliable in patients at high risk for bladder injury Jones AE, Mason PE, Tayal VS, Gibbs MA. Sonographic intraperitoneal fluid in patients with pelvic fracture: two cases of traumatic intraperitoneal bladder rupture. J Emerg Med 2003; 25:373 lacks sensitivity for renal trauma and should not be relied upon to exclude significant injury

51 Zipper entrapment…Ow!

52 Penile Trauma: Zipper Injury
Most common genital injuries in prepubertal boys. Typically involve the foreskin or redundant penile skin and may occur during the zipping or unzipping process edema and pain are the most common complications Significant injury, including skin loss or necrosis, is unusual.

53 Zipper Injury: Treatment
Mineral oil: Allows tissue to slide freely Entrapment release —  depends upon the site Entrapment of penile skin between the zipper teeth (and not the zipper mechanism) Release by cutting the cloth of the zipper - results in separation of the zipper teeth Local anesthesia or sedation usually is not necessary for this procedure.

54 Skin in teeth…

55 Vs. in the zipper mechanism …I think we’ll need sedation for this one…

56 Zipper injury: Treatment
The median bar may be cut with wire cutters, bone cutters, or a mini hacksaw mechanism will fall apart releasing the skin

57 Zipper injury: Treatment
Thin blade of a small flathead screwdriver Place between faceplates on the side of the mechanism in which the skin is not entrapped Rotate toward the median bar This widens the gap and (hopefully) release the skin

58 a. Retrograde urethrogram b. Foley catheter placement
An 8 yo boy is brought to the ED after getting hit by a car while riding his bicycle. On exam, he has stable vital signs, GCS of 15, and his abdomen is soft without tenderness. Blood is noted at the urethral meatus and he is unable to void. Which of the following is the most appropriate for management? a. Retrograde urethrogram b. Foley catheter placement c. Abdominal ultrasound d. Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) e. Ice packs and ibuprofen

59 A 13 yo boy comes to the ED with back pain after playing ice
hockey. He was checked and hit his back onto the boards. He noted gross hematuria a few hours afterwards. On exam, he has normal vital signs. His right flank shows a small ecchymosis on inspection. His abdomen is soft without tenderness. His urinalysis shows numerous RBCs per high power field. Which of the following tests is most appropriate in this patient? a. Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) b. Ultrasonography c. Cystourethrogram d. Abdominal CT e. Serial urinalyses

60 An 8 yo boy presents to the ED after his penile skin got
caught in the zipper of his pants. On exam, his foreskin is caught in the zipper mechanism. Management includes: a. Cutting the median bar of the zipper b. Dissecting the skin free c. Applying ice before unzipping over the entrapped skin d. Moving the zipper back and forth after local anesthesia e. Performing a dorsal slit procedure

61 Conclusion (finally….)
Suspect GU trauma in all cases of pelvic fx (and some lumbar) Even miroscopic hematuria can = significant GU trauma in peds Don’t cath if there’s blood at the meatus Image with CT contrast (or CT cysto for bladder or RUG for urethra) Kids bladders and kidneys are more susceptible to injury than Santa’s And…Make your boys wear underwear

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