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Imperialism Notes Helpful Hints.

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1 Imperialism Notes Helpful Hints

2 Colony vs. Protectorate
Colony is ruled directly by an imperial power. A protectorate has its own government, but the imperial government controls the military and can tell the protectorate what to do.

3 What led to the Sepoy Rebellion?
1 In 1857, a rumor started that the British greased their bullets with cow and pig fat. 2 At first, Hindus complained bc they considered cows sacred. Muslims protested bc they couldn’t touch pork. 3 The sepoys (Indian soldiers) refused to load their rifles at an army post.

4 What led to the Sepoy rebellion?
4 The British arrested the rebellious sepoys. 5 In response, other sepoys killed 50 Europeans. Result Britain now took a direct rule over India opposed to having India as a protectorate.

5 British rule in India Benefits: Brought order to India
Government was run well Schools, railroads, the telegraph and postal service were introduced

6 British rule in India Cons:
Cheap Br. Textiles destroyed the local textile industry. Farmers were forced to grow cotton instead of food.

7 Zulu war explained The people:
Zulu- a tribe of Africans living in South Africa Boers- Dutch settlers

8 What happened? The Dutch set up a port in South Africa named Cape Town. The British came and took it over. The Dutch (Boers) were forced to move out of the area. This move pushed them into the land of the Zulus.

9 And then? Zulus began to fight the Boers (Dutch).
Zulus had a strong fighting force The Boers were easily defeated. Zulu army grew stronger and soon started to fight the British Put up a valiant fight, but the Zulus were defeated by the Br. guns

10 China Imperial powers saw China as a HUGE economic opportunity. Why?
Large population offered large market for manufactured goods. Large size provided large amount of raw materials. * European countries began to create spheres of influence within China*

11 China US didn’t want to become involved in the splitting up of China, so they came up with the idea of an Open Door Policy. This meant that all nations would have equal trading rights in China.

12 Boxer Rebellion No, this does not have anything to do with heavy-weight fighters. Many Chinese hated foreign influence; they esp. hated the spread of Christianity. One secret society group that wanted to kick out all foreigners was called The Society of the Harmonious Fists (Boxers)

13 Boxer Rebellion In the early 1900s, Boxers attacked foreigners and Chinese Christians. Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Japan and the US sent in troops to stop them.

14 Directions: Get out one piece of paper.
Pretend you are part of the Boxer Rebellion, Sepoy Rebellion, or the Zulu War. You are sick and tired of other people coming into your country and taking everything that is rightfully yours.

15 Directions: Explain to your fellow Boxers, sepoys, or your fellow Zulus what steps must be taken to get rid of foreign influence. Things to include: Why you are upset. Game plan of what you and your fellow rebels will do. This needs to be based off fact, but you may add a little bit to make it more dramatic or compelling.

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