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Skills for Your Future Career

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Presentation on theme: "Skills for Your Future Career"— Presentation transcript:

1 Skills for Your Future Career
Westport Middle School Advisory

2 Skills you might need… Communication Teamwork Negotiation
Problem-Solving Leadership Organization Perseverance

3 Communication speaking, listening, and writing in order to converse with others Why is this important?

4 Teamwork being a team player, being able to take on responsibility, working well with others Why is this important?

5 Negotiation persuading others to understand your point of view while also understanding the point of view of others Why is this important?

6 Problem-Solving working with others and being able to resolve issues
Why is this important?

7 Leadership being able to motivate others and leading by example, being a role model for others Why is this important?

8 Organization being able to manage your time, keep track of important documents and materials Why is this important?

9 Perseverance taking on challenges with a positive attitude, not giving up easily, keeping calm not becoming too overwhelmed or stressed Why is this important?

10 Activity Discuss the various skills with a partner.
Complete the graphic organizer. Share out.

11 Reflect… What are some skills you should work on improving for your future career? Answer on a half-sheet of paper.

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