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PACE: Power-Aware Computing Engines

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Presentation on theme: "PACE: Power-Aware Computing Engines"— Presentation transcript:

1 PACE: Power-Aware Computing Engines
Energy-Conscious Compilers Energy-Exposed Architectures New Ideas: Microprocessor architectures that expose energy consumption to software Energy-conscious compiler analyses that minimize switching activity in processors Simulator technology for fast accurate processor energy-performance analysis GOAL: Reward compile-time knowledge with run-time energy savings Rethink Hardware-Software Interface for Power-Aware Computing Schedule Impact: New integrated architecture and compiler techniques for power-aware systems Improve processor energy-delay product by 5-100x for automatically compiled code Fast ( kHz) and accurate (<10% error) energy-performance simulation techniques for low-power microprocessors Architecture Baseline Single Tile Multi-Tile Energy-Performance Simulator Baseline Single Tile Multi-Tile Compiler Baseline Single Tile Multi-Tile Application Evaluation Single Tile Multi-Tile Baseline Jun’00 Sep’00 Dec’00 Mar’01 Jun’01 Sep’01 Dec’01 Mar’02 Jun’02 Sep’02 MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Krste Asanovic, Saman Amarasinghe, Martin Rinard

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