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Phil Williams – Team Defence Information

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1 Phil Williams – Team Defence Information
AFNeT Briefing 18th May 2018 Phil Williams – Team Defence Information

2 Contents ILS Series Specifications
ILS Series Supporting Specifications SX000i the Guide Interactions between the ASD Specifications S-Series Specification Organisation – PSSG, SSG US v ILS Specifications Alignment with US DoD The Specification Issue Plan Industry Engagement Programme Adoption Briefing to General Williams Defence Logistic Agency, Fort Belvoir Summary

3 ILS Series Specifications

4 ILS Series Supporting Specs
(Unified Modeling Language)

5 Interactions Between the ASD Specifications

6 XML Schema

7 SX000i – The Guide

8 SX000i – The Guide SX000i: Is the overarching document defining the common logistics processes to be used across all S-Series specifications Provides governance for the maintenance of current S-Series specifications and the development of new S- Series specifications Benefits of SX000i Commonality ….. Interoperability ….. Simplification ….. Consistency Supports DoD methodology for developing and executing a Logistics Support program throughout the system’s Life Cycle

9 S – Series Specification Organisation

10 S – Series Specification Issue Plan

11 Product Services Support Group
Services Commission PSSG Product Services Specifications Group NSSG New Services Solutions Group TOSG Training & Operational Services Group SSG Strategic Standardisation Mission: Managing and limiting inclusion of project and national specific rules and constructs Ensure commonality with associations, agencies and institutions (European and non-European) to enable global harmonisation and exploitation of standards Liaise with Industry and Government partners to support the use of specifications across civil and defence projects Establish well defined data transfer mechanisms Cover all aspects of supportability over the entire life cycle of a product Be up to date with technical developments and changes in support philosophy

12 Strategic Standardisation Group
Services Commission PSSG Product Services Specifications Group NSSG New Services Solutions Group TOSG Training & Operational Services Group SSG Strategic Standardisation Mission: Identifying and specifying A&D industry needs in regards to information interoperability along the product life-cycle. Proposing and applying governance tools at strategic and technical level (e.g. radar screen, interoperability framework, assessment process). Developing ASD standards policies and recommendations and publishing these through the SSG website Encouraging IT vendors to implement these solutions and assessing the quality of those implementations. Developing a network of experts. Developing  liaisons with all relevant associations (e.g. AIA in the U.S.) and standardisation organisations (e.g. ISO/TC 184/SC 4, OMG )

13 US v ILS Specifications
Tech Data: MIL-STD-38784 Written by disparate organizations Not written to complement each other Many are being cancelled S1000D Training: DoDD 1322 Material Management DoDM 4140 S6000T Product Support Management: DoDD DoDI S2000M SX000i Sustaining Engineering: DoDI 4151 LSA: MIL-STD-1388 S3000L S5000F Preventive Maintenance: MIL-STD-3034 S4000P 15

14 US v ILS Specifications
Tech Data: S1000D S1000D Training: S6000T Material Management S2000M S6000T Product Support Management: SX000i S2000M SX000i Sustaining Engineering: S5000F LSA: S3000L S3000L S5000F Preventive Maintenance S4000P S4000P 16

15 US v ILS Specifications
Pause!! 17

16 Data Model Data Model Data Model
Tech Data: S1000D Data Model Integrated suite of specs covering support throughout a system’s life cycle Data re-use optimized through utilization of a common data model S1000D Training: S6000T Material Management S2000M Data Model S6000T Product Support Management: SX000i S2000M SX000i Sustaining Engineering: S5000F LSA: S3000L S3000L S5000F Preventive Maintenance S4000P Data Model S4000P 18

17 Alignment with DoD’s 12 elements of ILS

18 Alignment with DoD’s 12 elements of ILS

19 S-Series Programme Adoption

20 S-Series Programme Adoption

21 Companies in European Spec Production

22 Companies in European Spec Production
Actions: Encourage other companies to engage CEOs to support Staff need time/encouragement

23 Countries in ILS Spec Production

24 Briefing to General Williams
Fort Belvoir – Washington Defence Logistic Agency What message do we want to send?

25 Programs invoking S1000D have the foundation for S-Series adoption
Summary Page Programs invoking S1000D have the foundation for S-Series adoption As weapon systems are becoming more sophisticated, in-service feedback is imperative to ensure lower sustainment costs and improve readiness S-Series Specifications utilize a common data model ensuring interoperability and the reuse of data Lowers the cost of ILS documentation during the development cycle and significantly decreases the costs resulting from block-upgrades throughout a weapon system’s lifecycle   

26 Advert!! September 10-13, 2018 The Ritz Carlton New Orleans
The 2018 S-Series ILS Specifications Day offers collaborative discussions such as: Information on tutorials and training Presentation of a Bicycle Example to leverage the benefit of utilizing a truly intelligent/interoperable suite of ILS (Integrated Product Support) Specifications utilizing a common data model  S-Series Steering Committee Updates (SX000i, S2000M, S3000L, S4000P, S5000F, S6000T and S1000X) September 10-13, 2018 The Ritz Carlton New Orleans

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