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Examples of Carbocation Formation

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1 Examples of Carbocation Formation

2 Formation of Alkyl Benzene
=> + -

3 Limitations of Friedel-Crafts
Reaction fails if benzene has a substituent that is more deactivating than halogen. Carbocations rearrange. Reaction of benzene with n-propyl chloride and AlCl3 produces isopropylbenzene. The alkylbenzene product is more reactive than benzene, so polyalkylation occurs =>

4 Friedel-Crafts Acylation
Acyl chloride is used in place of alkyl chloride. The acylium ion intermediate is resonance stabilized and does not rearrange like a carbocation. The product is a phenyl ketone that is less reactive than benzene =>

5 Mechanism of Acylation

6 Clemmensen Reduction Acylbenzenes can be converted to alkylbenzenes by treatment with aqueous HCl and amalgamated zinc. =>

7 Gatterman-Koch Formylation
Formyl chloride is unstable. Use a high pressure mixture of CO, HCl, and catalyst. Product is benzaldehyde. =>

8 Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution
A nucleophile replaces a leaving group on the aromatic ring. Electron-withdrawing substituents activate the ring for nucleophilic substitution =>

9 Examples of Nucleophilic Substitution

10 Addition-Elimination Mechanism

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